For your initial post write two exam questions that covers one of the topics learned during the physical oceanography module

For your initial post write two exam questions that covers one of the topics learned during the physical oceanography module

For your initial post write two exam questions that covers one of the topics learned
during the physical oceanography module. To earn all points, your question must
have a diagram, graph or photograph from the textbook or from an open source,
such as Wiki Commons
Links to an external site.
Do not copy questions from quizzes. Acceptable question formats:
● Fill in the blank
● Matching
● Diagram interpretation
● Open ended essay question
● Multiple question (with multiple correct answer of not)

Summary – Ocean Currents
● You know the difference between Equatorial upwelling and coastal upwelling.
● You can describe the how surface currents form.
● You can explain the dynamics of subtropical gyres.
● You can describe the influence of Ekman transport in surface currents.
● You can discuss how surface currents affect the weather and climate.
● You can identify El Nino and La Nina patterns.
● You can specify the thermohaline circulation and the different water masses.
● You can discuss the formation of sea ice.

Dive deeper
Here is a list of supporting learning material. These are optional resources to help
you learn more about the topics presented in this module.
● Ekman Spiral and Ekman Transport
● Links to an external site.

● Thermohaline Circulation
● Links to an external site.

Articles & Podcasts:

● World Ocean Radio: Conservation of the Sargasso Sea.
● Links to an external site.

● Coastal upwelling in the coast of California.
● Links to an external site.

● The California Coastal Current viewed from space.
● Links to an external site.

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oceanography module

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