For this project, you will be giving a five-minute presentation on your research topic and introduce the audience to some of the “real data

For this project, you will be giving a five-minute presentation on your research topic and introduce the audience to some of the “real data

Create a 5-6 min PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes:

***Make sure to refer to the outline attached***

Due Monday, 5/8 at 1pm.

Here are the links to the article’s you chose for your topic:

Popular article:

Peer-reviewed primary article cited by the popular article:

Peer-reviewed review:

Create a PowerPoint presentation (with more images and less words) and on separate word document please provide slides notes (for each slide) or speaker notes.


1.For this project, you will be giving a five-minute presentation on your research topic and introduce the audience to some of the “real data” (one of the data figures from the peer-reviewed primary article) used to make this new finding. (I will be using figure 1)

2.You are going to imagine that this presentation/video is a companion to the popular science publication (not peer reviewed, aimed at a non-scientific audience) with which you have been working.

3.This presentation will be aimed at a non-scientific audience and your job will be to

a)Briefly remind your audience of the new finding (which is your research topic) and any background they need to understand that new finding (you can refer back to the popular news article, but remember that audiences don’t have perfect memories)

b)Provide them any background they would need to understand the specific data figure you are going to share (I will be sharing figure 1 from Peer-reviewed primary article)

c)Walk them through that one data figure from the original primary, peer-reviewed publication.

d)Please put more images and less words on the PowerPoint!

4.For the conclusion, bring it back to the real world. What could we do with this? Why would a random person care? When would we want to induce an inflammatory response… give an example. What made you excited about it enough to choose this article?

Important Note: You are sharing information with your audience, but this is an audience of people who happened to read an article NOT written for scientists that just wanted to learn a little more. So, you are helping them do a deeper dive into the new finding but not really putting together a lesson. Remember this is not a lecture, so you won’t want to start with broad background. You ONLY want to explain what you have to in order to explain that main finding. Your figure should be in support of that main finding. Also, be sure NOT to refer to it as the primary and peer-reviewed articles. Use the title of your first article, and then refer to the other article as the study.

Requirements: 5-6 min presentation


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presentation on your research topic

7 slides

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