For this discussion I want you to reflect back on your upbringing and discuss the parenting styles your parents used to parent you

For this discussion I want you to reflect back on your upbringing and discuss the parenting styles your parents used to parent you

Discussion Prompt:

If you viewed the supplemental PowerPoint in the overview, you have been exposed to this quote from Kahlil Gilbran, “Parents are the bows from which their children as living arrows are set forth.”

This quote is powerful and has a deep meaning. It states that we as parents‘ guide our children and as they grow, they begin to separate from us, and they find their own path. Knowing this you can see why parents are such a vital part to a child’s developmental story. Parents are the guide for a child and pass on culture, values, ethics, and traditions. This is important in keeping family generations attached. Having this connection a child learns many lessons including ones in history, compassion and understanding. As a parent myself to three children what I do know is my parenting style was not the same for the three children. My parenting style and expectations were different for each child as each child is their own person and what worked with one child never worked the same way with my other children. This strategy is goodness of fit where accommodations of parenting styles are made to better accommodate the child’s temperament. Knowing and adapting to a child’s temperament is a critical skill that helps parents’ parent their children.

For this discussion I want you to reflect back on your upbringing and discuss the parenting styles your parents used to parent you. Think about how you were disciplined, what your expectations were within the family unit, how did you fit in with your parents, how did your parents interact with you and how did all this change as you got older and lastly how is it now, what does that relationship look like?

To be successful on this discussion board:

Submit a response to the above prompt by Wednesday of the week

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parenting styles your parents


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