For this assignment, you will create an Organization management proposal for quality and performance

For this assignment, you will create an Organization management proposal for quality and performance

Florida National University

HAS-6185 Management of Health Care Organizations

Final Project

Final Project: Organizational Management Proposal for Quality and Performance


For this assignment, you will create an Organization management proposal for quality and performance that will be used in a Community Health Center of your choosing. The proposal is designed to improve quality and provide a good customer service such as Patient Treated with courtesy, respect, tolerance and serenity. You are encouraged to choose any health care facility: Hospital, Doctor Office, Emergency Care Center, etc.  The paper will be 8-10 pages long including title page and references pages. APA style 7th edition format.


The proposal is designed to improve quality and deliver a virtuous customer service: Patient Treated with courteousness, reverence, acceptance and tranquility. You need to apply all the knowledge obtains during this class to create an organizational proposal that will improve the quality and performance of the Health Care Setting you desire. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.

  1. Introduction (5 points / 25%) Offer an abstract that provide a brief outlook of the proposal and explaining in your own words what is meant by a good customer service through effective performance management and organization.

2. Your Organizational Management Proposal for Quality and Performance Plan              (10 points 50%)

 a. Presentation Page:








b. MISSION STATEMENT: Mention the Health Care Setting’s mission. New Page.

c. Purpose of the Organizational Management Proposal for Quality and Performance Plan: The purpose of this plan must be base in support and promote accomplishment of a health care organization mission, goals and also quality customer’s service and good performance.

d. An effective Organizational management proposal:

Should include the following elements designed with customer satisfaction as the focus:

  1. Setting individual and team goals that are aligned and associated with the health care setting:

Goal setting is the first element of an effective Organizational proposal plan.  Individual and team customer service goal should be aligned, discussion and remark.

*Research in goal setting:

*Who are your customers?  Internal and external customers.

* Setting Goals and standards for Quality and performance

  • Establish a measurement system.

Measuring or quantifying customer needs, expectations and satisfaction is a basic requirement. Effective customer research for setting goal centers on measuring the issues that are truly important for the customers: Good quality service.

These are the steps for developing a Measurement system to by apply at the Health Care Organization you choose:

* Identify the goals that need to be measure.

 * develop performance indicators to measure the service stablish in the goal setting.

* Involve employees, they will be more likely it accepts and be committed to reach the goal.

The following are suggestion and possible measurement system you can acquired and adapted to your health care facility:

 1. Post-incident surveys by channel. Following an interaction, asking customers about the agent’s customer service skills, technical knowledge, completeness of solution provided, time to respond and resolve and satisfaction to measure both effectiveness and consistency across channels.

2. Self-service and/or community experience. Asking customers if they found the answers they needed and if they have suggestions to make the site or its content more useful.

3. Relationship surveys. Quarterly or annual surveys that ask about overall support experience, satisfaction with products and value received.

4. Customer loyalty. Questions that should put your customer retention team into action if answered negatively include: Do you intend to continue purchasing products from this vendor?  Would you recommend the brand to your peers?

  • Providing adequate, timely feedback.

Feedback is a very important component of a successful Organizational Management Proposal. Individual who receives a feedback on performance relative to their goals will more commit to their goals. Characteristic of the feedback: Specific (Goal by Goal), Timely (Day-to-day, Week-to-week) Appropriate (Correct manner that will help improve performance best.)

  • Rewarding and recognizing desired performance.

Organizational Management Proposal should provide built-in incentives that will promote high-quality customer service; some examples: Monetary Incentives, Nonmonetary Recognition.

3. Conclusion (3 points / 15%)

 Briefly recapitulate your thoughts & conclusion to you Organizational Management Proposal plan.  How did this Organizational Management Proposal plan impact your thoughts on Health Care Administrator?

Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:

a) The clarity with which you associate, relates, stablish and apply your knowledge to generate the Organizational Management Proposal Plan.

b) The Complexity, depth, scope, Profundity, and organization of your paper; and,

c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of the Organizational Management Proposal Plan on any Health Care Setting.


Assignments Guidelines20 Points/ 10%
Introduction50 Points / 25%
Your Organizational Management ProposalPlan10 Points / 50%
Conclusion20 Points / 15%
Total100 points / 100%


A90% – 100%
B+85% – 89%
B80% – 84%
C+75% – 79%
C70%  – 74%
D60% – 69%
F50% – 59% Or less.

Dr. G                 

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Organization management proposal

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