For this Assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned in the course thus far to craft research questions for your topic area.

For this Assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned in the course thus far to craft research questions for your topic area.

For this Assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned in the course thus far to craft research questions for your topic area.

As previously mentioned, you may use the existing problem and purpose you developed in PUBH 8512, or you can write a new problem statement that defines a problem worthy of inquiry and identify the purpose of a study that aligns with the problem statement and fills a gap in the literature.

Note: If you selected the second option, that means you should have reevaluated your preliminary topic in Module 1 and spent the past 5 weeks reviewing the literature in preparation for documenting the details of a new study. If you have not yet done so, you should stay with your existing topic for the purposes of this assignment.


  • Review the traits of strong research questions in Module 1.
  • Think about the purpose and problem you plan to investigate and let them drive the formulation of your research question(s).
  • Be purposeful about acknowledging and avoiding potential biases.
  • Focus on achieving alignment.
  • Using the instructions provided below, write research questions that align with your problem and purpose.

In a 1- to 2-page paper:

  • Write one quantitative and one qualitative research question based on your problem and purpose.
  • Explain how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose.
  • Describe how each research question could impact your study.

Research Question will b: Is there an association between individual, interpersonal, community, and social factors and Zika virus infection among favela residents in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWrite one quantitative and one qualitative research question based on your problem and purpose.5 to >4.0 pts Outstanding The quantitative and qualitative research questions based on your problem and purpose are exceptionally well-written and error free. 4 to >3.5 pts Very Good The quantitative and qualitative research questions based on your problem and purpose are well-written with minimal errors. 3.5 to >3.0 pts Meets Expectations The quantitative and qualitative research questions based on your problem and purpose are adequate but contain errors. 3 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The quantitative and qualitative research questions based on your problem and purpose are unclear, inaccurately written, or missing.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose.5 to >4.0 pts Outstanding The explanation of how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose is fully developed, exceptional, and insightful. 4 to >3.5 pts Very Good The explanation of how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose is generally thorough and well-organized. 3.5 to >3.0 pts Meets Expectations The explanation of how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose is limited, but adequate. 3 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The explanation of how each research question aligns with your problem and purpose is unclear, inaccurate, or missing.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribe how each research question could impact your study.5 to >4.0 pts Outstanding The description of how each research question could impact your study is fully developed, exceptional, and insightful. 4 to >3.5 pts Very Good The description of how each research question could impact your study is generally thorough and well-organized. 3.5 to >3.0 pts Meets Expectations The description of how each research question could impact your study is limited, but adequate. 3 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The description of how each research question could impact your study is unclear, inaccurate, or missing.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly WritingExtent to which the work demonstrates doctoral-level writing with proper grammar, mechanics, tone, vocabulary, and spelling as well as proper paragraph structure, each with clear central ideas. In addition, any sources are referenced properly.5 to >4.0 pts Outstanding The work is exceptionally clear and coherent. Student writes with exemplary grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation to convey their scholarly message. The work displays exemplary scholarly voice, organization, and focus. 4 to >3.5 pts Very Good The work is clear and coherent. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are minor, minimal (two to four), and do not interfere with the scholarly message. The work displays effective scholarly voice, organization, and focus. 3.5 to >3.0 pts Meets Expectations The work is somewhat clear and coherent. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are minor but frequent (five to 10) and occasionally interfere with the message. The work has lapses in scholarly voice. The work lacks clear organization or occasionally strays from the focus. 3 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The work lacks clarity and coherence. Errors in grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are major, pervasive (11+), and interfere with the message. The work shows little or no attention to scholarly voice, organization, and focus.5 pts
Total Points: 20

PHD Global Health

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research questions for your topic area

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