For this assignment you need to find an article in a widely read magazine ornewspaper about some aspect of biological anthropology

For this assignment you need to find an article in a widely read magazine or newspaper about some aspect of biological anthropology

For this assignment you need to find an article in a widely read magazine or
newspaper about some aspect of biological anthropology; this includes everything
covered on the syllabus and in the textbook. The article can be up to 2 years old.
An online article is OK, but it needs to be an actual article with an author and date of
publication. It should not be a blog, a web page, an advertisement, a newsletter, or
anything of unclear origin. An entry from Wikipedia is not an article.
After you have found and read the article you should write approximately 1 typed,
double spaced page in which you explain how the article relates to this class. You
can also make other comments or analysis if you want to about the article or issues
that it discusses. At the start of your paper you need to identify the article by (a) title,
(b) author), (c) date of publication and (d) where you found it.
Then very briefly describe what it is about. However, keep the description brief; most
of your paper should be about how the article relates to the material covered in our
class. For example, you could say “This article in the New York Times is about a new
fossil find in Africa. Based on what we covered in class it sounds like this fossil is
another kind of australopithecine. The anthropologists who found the fossil used
stratigraphy and potassium argon dating” and so on. Basically, see if you can find
things in the article that you have already leaned about in class and see if you can
describe them using terminology and concepts we have covered in class.
Be prepared to talk about your article in the next forum.

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aspect of biological anthropology

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