For the literary analysis paper, you are to choose one of the poems we discussed in class that most resonated with you

For the literary analysis paper, you are to choose one of the poems we discussed in class that most resonated with you

Preferred Format: MLA

Number of Sources: 1

Number of Pages: 5

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

Your Topic: Literary Analysis Paper

Assignment Details: LITERARY ANALYSIS


For the literary analysis paper, you are to choose one of the poems we discussed in class that most resonated with you (see the listing of poems below)–i.e, that had the greatest impact on you, focusing on various poetic/literary devices in the poem that not only contributed to your understanding of the work but also fostered your strong attachment to it.  If you choose to write about Dudley Randall’s iconic poem, “Ballad of Birmingham,” for instance, your thesis would sound something like this: “The poem that most resonated with me is “Ballad Birmingham,” where Dudley Randall skillfully pulls his audience emotionally into the poem successfully persuading them to get on board with the Civil Rights Movement. Though we have come a long way in our efforts to obtain equality for all, we still have a long way to go. This poem inspired me to keep up the good fight. The rich and substantive poetic devices offered in the poem were instrumental in not only facilitating my understanding of the poem, but also in fostering my strong attachment to the poem.”

Among others, you could also focus on Ntozake Shange’s “With No Immediate Cause,” a very visceral and graphic poem, where the author (by design) makes the reader feel uncomfortable as she outlines the many physical atrocities inflicted upon women and children.  You could focus on the meaningful theme here, which is to wake up people to these atrocities and enlist their help in stamping out the physical abuse inflicted upon this population of individuals, which resonated with you, again focusing on the various poetic devices that not only contributed to your understanding of the poem but also facilitated your strong attachment to the poem.

YOUR AUDIENCE: English 105 students who have read the poem you are analyzing but are not as invested in the work as you are.  Your goal would be to persuade your audience of its worth.

FORMAT: MLA: Double-spaced, Times New Roman, font 10 or 12

TARGET LENGTH: Approximately 5-typed pages

DUE: THURSDAY, MARCH 9, BY  11:59 p.m., via Canvas (While I do accept late papers, for each day your paper is late, you will incur a ten-point deduction from you final paper grade.)

                                                                                     POEMS YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM

1. Introduction to Poetry

( (Links to an external site.))

2. The pennycandystore beyond the El

( (Links to an external site.))

3. Losing Track

( (Links to an external site.))

4. Ballad of Birmingham

( (Links to an external site.))

5. Cinema Show–n0mKI_WbI_hv54Dc9y9dwl0C48wvTqA7j4NP5VCluFjNcamOhUCBOjxMh81pxdx_hK7B8tqyT5EHRWUs4kjpKtsslbQ%3D%3D (Links to an external site.)

6. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers

( (Links to an external site.))

7. With No Immediate Cause

( (Links to an external site.))

8. Because I Could Not Stop for Death

( (Links to an external site.))

                                                             PROPOSED OUTLINE FOR THE LITERARY ANALYSIS PAPER

I. Introduction

A. Lead in

B. Author and title of the poem

C. Context of poem

D. Thesis: Which poem we discussed in class most resonated with you, specifically focusing on the various poetic/literary devices that not only contributed to your keen understanding of the poem, but also facilitated your strong attachment to the poem.

II. Body

A. Poetic/Literary Device

1.  How the poetic/literary device contributed to your keen understanding of the poem

2. . How the poetic/literary device facilitated your strong attachment to the poem (its powerful effect on you personally)

B. Poetic/Literary Device

1. How the poetic/literary device contributed to your understanding of the poem

2. How the poetic/literary device facilitated your attachment to the poem (its powerful effect on you personally)

C. Poetic/Literary Device

1. How the poetic/literary device contributed to your understanding of the poem

2. How the poetic/literary device facilitated your attachment to the poem (its powerful effect on you personally)

D. Poetic/Literary Device

1. How the poetic/literary device contributed to your understanding of the poem

2. How the poetic/literary device facilitated your attachment to the poem (its powerful effect on you)

E. Poetic/Literary Device

1. How the poetic/literary device contributed to your understanding of the poem

2. How the poetic/literary device facilitated your attachment to the poem (its effect on you)



A. Mirror Your Introduction

B. Leave your reader with something memorable (to think about) as they exit your work.

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For the literary analysis paper, you are to choose one of the poems we discussed in class that most resonated with you

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