For my change project the variables I identified as independent are nurses that are emotionally intelligent

For my change project the variables I identified as independent are nurses that are emotionally intelligent

  • Post 1:
  • For my change project the variables I identified as independent are nurses that are emotionally intelligent and nurses that are not-emotionally intelligent. As for my dependent variable, I identified that as nursing care/relationship with patients. The reason I identified emotionally intelligent and non-emotionally intelligent nurses as my independent variables is because I believe depending on the level of emotional control, the nurse may provide different types of care and different types of emotional connections with patients. According to Harvard Medical School (2023), emotional intelligence is defined as the “ability to identify and regulate our own emotions, to recognize the emotions of other people and feel empathy toward them, and to use these abilities to communicate effectively and build healthy, productive relationships with others”. With that said, my change project focuses on training healthcare workers and nurses on what emotional intelligence is and ways they can practice self-care (i.e. yoga, mindfulness, meditation, etc.). The steps to begin implementing this type of training, in my opinion, begins with bringing up the idea to my supervisors, manager, and director. From there, I can ask questions of whom I may contact regarding training programs. There is also a department called care for the care givers. I may also want to look into that to see if they have any types of programs such as the one I’m trying to put together or if not ways we can implement this program and how we can go about advertising it. Or maybe it may even be provided as a mandatory program online, where it can be interactive and appealing to others. Other departments I may want to look into, include human resources. They may also be a good point of contact to ask regarding where and who I can talk to about implementing such a program.ReferenceHarvard Medical School. (2023). Emotional Intelligence,effectively%20and%20build%20healthy%2C%20productive%20relationships%20with%20othersLinks to an external site.. ReplyReply to Comment
  • Post 2:

In my change project, the theoretical framework serves as a guiding structure that helps explain the relationships between variables and predict the outcomes of implementing the proposed change in my organization. The variables I will focus on are the implementation of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) combined with pharmacological treatment in adult patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).To begin the implementation process, a thorough assessment of the organization is conducted to determine the need for implementing CBT combined with pharmacological treatment for MDD. This involves reviewing existing data, consulting with key stakeholders, and identifying gaps in the current treatment approach. Engaging relevant stakeholders, including healthcare providers, administrators, and patients, is crucial to gain their support and involvement in the change project. Clear communication about the goals, benefits, and expected outcomes of implementing CBT combined with pharmacological treatment is essential.Comprehensive training and education programs are provided for healthcare providers to enhance their knowledge and skills in delivering CBT for MDD. Workshops, seminars, and ongoing support are offered to ensure proficiency in the treatment modality. In parallel, clear treatment guidelines and protocols are developed, outlining specific procedures, assessment tools, and treatment plans to ensure standardized and evidence-based care.An implementation plan is created, considering timelines, resource allocation, and potential barriers and facilitators. This involves identifying the necessary resources, such as personnel, materials, and technology, to support the implementation of the change project.A pilot test of the intervention is conducted on a smaller scale to assess its feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness. This allows for fine-tuning of the implementation process and the identification of any necessary modifications. Additionally, a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation is established, which includes collecting data on treatment outcomes, patient satisfaction, and adherence to the treatment guidelines. Regular feedback loops and continuous quality improvement strategies are implemented to ensure ongoing evaluation and refinement of the intervention.Sharing the findings and outcomes of the change project with relevant stakeholders within the organization and the broader healthcare community helps promote the adoption of the intervention and ensures its long-term sustainability.By following these specific steps and addressing the variables within the change project, including stakeholder engagement, training and education, treatment guidelines development, and monitoring and evaluation, the project aims to implement CBT combined with pharmacological treatment for MDD in a systematic and evidence-based manner. The theoretical framework provides a rationale for predicting positive outcomes, such as improved depressive symptoms and overall functioning, in adult patients. Ultimately, the project seeks to bring about meaningful improvements in the care provided to individuals with MDD within the organization.

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