Find an aviation weather-related paper topic that you find interesting

Find an aviation weather-related paper topic that you find interesting

  • Reminder to not self-plagiarize/ plagiarize as this results in failure of the course
  • If in-text citations do not abide by the minimum coverage standard, you will receive a zero for the assignment and possibly subject to Academic Misconduct. If you do not have a references page you will receive a zero for the assignment and possibly subject to Academic Misconduct.
  • Minimum In text citation coverage should be at least one in text citation per reference used.
  • Title page + 3 FULL pages of content+  References page = 5 pages total

                  -Abstract not required and does not count towards the minimum 3 full pages

-For each page short of 3 full pages, there will be a deduction of 30 points (Half a page short results in 15 point reduction).

  • At least 4 sources and 2 must be scholarly references such as journals, books, and similar sources other than websites. These 2 scholarly references may be online format. No Wikipedia.
  • 12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins preferred, other APA approved fonts allowed though.
  • This is an academic paper, Do not write in first person (I, me, we, etc.), rather write your paper in third person (he, she, they, the researcher, etc.)
  • Try to summarize and paraphrase more than direct quotes. (In other words, avoid excessive direct quotations in your paper)
  • Limit to 1 block quote (block quote is a direct quote of more than 40 words), no images please.
  • Keep your Turnitin score UNDER 21%, you may submit several papers until you revise it enough to get it under this percentage.
  • Do not simply cite NTSB accidents throughout your paper. You may integrate relevant accidents/incidents by summarizing the key points and tying it into your paper.

1). Find an aviation weather-related paper topic that you find interesting. This is to be a research paper that follows APA format, not an opinion paper. The following are the three areas that need to be addressed:

1) Discussion of weather phenomenon,

2). Any Related aviation accident and/or incidents, or hazards of the topic (if topic is nonhazardous, say so).

3). Types of weather avoidance, weather charts available, signs to look out for, how to predict, etc.

3). Once you have determined your paper topic, look for research in this area. Go to the library website and browse through online journals, magazines, books, etc. Do not use obscure websites, pilot forums, and other unreliable sources. I advise saving any articles you find to your flash drive or your email, dropbox account, etc. I find using Google scholar and then going to the library website and finding the article with the journal locater is very helpful.  If you are not familiar with the library website, there are several useful tools and guides to help you. Take the initiative and learn how to navigate the site and find research. For the airplane accident/incident research, go to and click on the aviation accident database link.

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Find an aviation weather

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