Explicitly refer to Bunn’s article to explain the technique. Be sure that you provide a full explanation of the technique for your readers.

Explicitly refer to Bunn’s article to explain the technique. Be sure that you provide a full explanation of the technique for your readers.

This is the description of the first essay assignment–an active reading of a short story.

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to continue practicing, more in-depth, active reading techniques which we learned about in the first module and to apply those techniques further to the reading of short stories.  If you approach this project properly, you will learn how to conduct a critical reading of a short story in order to be able to create meaning out of the author’s intentions in constructing the text.  So, as you write, the question you should be asking yourself when writing is not “what is the hidden meaning here and how can I discover it?” but “how can I create a meaning by reading the story actively and critically, using the reading techniques I learned in Module 1?”

Intended Audience

You are writing for your classmates first and your instructor second. Since not all of us will have read the story you are analyzing, please remember to think about what important information about the story needs to be conveyed to your readers.

Task, Process, and Suggested Structure of the Paper  

In the first module, we learned about “reading like a writer.” Some ways of such reading include reading for purpose and structure instead of just for the plot, paying attention to how the writer’s style influences the meaning of the piece, and so on. If necessary, re-read Mike Bunn’s essay which we read in the first module.

  • Now, choose any short story from The Valencia Reader Links to an external site.. To get to the list of the stories available to you, click on the “Short Stories Links to an external site.” tab and choose any story you want.
  • Next, select any of the strategies explained by Bunn (looking for structure, style, etc).
  • Explain how you would read that story using the critical reading technique from Bunn you chose. For instance, if you want to talk about paying attention to structure, discuss how the construction of the story influences its reception by the readers, etc.

There is no “correct” or “hidden” meaning we are looking for, but you will need to support claims you make about the stories with evidence from that story.

The following structure for the paper is suggested. This structure is not meant as a “formula for an A,” but rather as a guideline to get you started.

  • Mention the story you are reading and briefly summarize its plot, in a paragraph or less.
  • Mention and explain the reading device you chose. Explicitly refer to Bunn’s article to explain the technique. Be sure that you provide a full explanation of the technique for your readers.
  • Explain how such a device works. You can use language like “A reading of story based on this technique does these these things…”
  • Now, explain how you would read the story applying that particular reading technique.

After you have submitted the first draft, you will receive feedback from your classmates, though peer review, and from me. You will then revise your draft based on that feedback and submit it. 

Formal Requirements

  • Your draft draft should not be longer than 3-4 double-spaced pages, or about 750-1000 words. Your first draft should be as close to this length as possible. It is always easier to change and move things around than to add too much later.
  • You must cite both the story you are analyzing and Bunn’s essay in MLA. You began to learn about MLA in ENC 1101, but, if you have doubts, consult your handbook online or the MLA section of The Valencia Reader. You do not need to memorize MLA, but you need to know where to find the information when you need it.
  • You must also format the paper in MLA, including spacing, information required for the first page, page number placement, etc.


You can earn up to 200 points for this project (first and second draft plus peer review). For this draft, you can earn up to 50 points.

The rubric which I will use to assess your draft is below.

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Explicitly refer to Bunn's article to explain the technique. Be sure that you provide a full explanation of the technique for your readers.

APA 918 words

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