Explain your understanding of the ideological side of globalization.

Explain your understanding of the ideological side of globalization.

Guidelines for Assignment II

Globalization can be defined and analyzed from different angles as presented in the books and articles selected for this class (check Moodle for the material). The development on the ideological or cultural side has greatly affected the development on the material or economic side of globalization, particularly in the last three decades.

The Guidelines:

This assignment requires you to write a short piece after reading the article Globalization Is Over. The Global Culture Wars Have Begun. by David Brooks and other material such as book excerpts on the Moodle. You should answer the following questions:

What factors do you think are impeding the development of globalization given the current geopolitical tensions in the world? How much do you see the ideological or cultural component plays a role in changing the direction of the globalization trend in the last three decades?

The Specific Notes:

1. Summarize your takeaways after reading the material in clear English within 800 words.

2. Explain your understanding of the ideological side of globalization.

3. Be original. Write what you know and how you think of the issues.

4. Read your piece aloud before you print it and submit it via Moodle.

5. Follow the template.

6. Use font 14 and set double space to leave room for marking.

Requirements: 800 words

Subject: Communications

Please write it carefully and follow the instructions strictly

the professor is an Asian

I think he prefers essays with good structure and it’s better well-organized

The Specific Notes:

1. Summarize your takeaways after reading the material in clear English within 800 words.

2. Explain your understanding of the ideological side of globalization.

3. Be original. Write what you know and how you think of the issues.

4. Read your piece aloud before you print it and submit it via Moodle.

5. Follow the template.

6. Use font 14 and set double space to leave room for marking.

Please use the structure like this:

1. Introduction(use simple and clear language to explain what’s your main idea)+Thesis statement

2.Body:3-4 parts(1-2 paragraph for each parts) and explain one statement in each parts clearly

3. Conclusion(clearly conclude what’s your main idea but don’t repeat what you have mentioned before, just bring up the whole idea to next level and make a good conclusion)

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ideological side of globalization

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