Examine the partnership needs for an organization with which you are familiar

Examine the partnership needs for an organization with which you are familiar

Your Topic: Organizational Partnerships

Assignment Details: At the most basic level, behavioral health organizations seek to meet programmatic goals that meet particular client needs. In order to receive approval (or continued support) and funding, specific programs have to be able to demonstrate positive outcomes for client populations served. Thus, programs and organizations must necessarily be focused in their efforts in order to remain effective and sustainable. While a program may address one particular client need or set of needs (e.g., health care for the homeless, improving health outcomes for families with children who have significant behavioral health concerns), the clients themselves exist within a constellation of variables and needs that may lie outside the direct scope of the program or organization. These contributing factors and other variables are why organizational partnerships are a crucial consideration for leaders.

Organizational partnerships are relationships among groups, organizations, and communities that help to improve overall access, care, education, quality of life, and equity for clients. One organization may focus on transportation, another on food access, and another on social work. Separately, they address only some of the needs of individuals within a community; together, they use their unique strengths to work toward a broader goal.

For this Assignment, you will examine the partnership needs for an organization with which you are familiar and present your findings in a PowerPoint.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Select an organization with which you currently work or with which you have worked in the past, or one with which you have familiarity.
Examine the report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2013) in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the partnership needs for your selected organization.
The Assignment:

Create a PowerPoint presentation (maximum 12 slides) in which you do the following:

Introduce your selected organization.
Present the partnership needs of the organization based on the following prompts:
Explain why creating a partnership is needed to accomplish your goal.
Detail what financial resources will be needed to support organizational activities and infrastructure.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 4

Number of Pages: 1

PowerPoint slides: 12

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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examine the partnership needs for an organization

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