discuss the use of Telehealth and how it can be so useful in cases such as the COVID-19 epidemic

discuss the use of Telehealth and how it can be so useful in cases such as the COVID-19 epidemic

Week 8: Current Issues/Trends PowerPoint Presentation

Here is a review for the topic of my choice:

For my Week 8 Powerpoint presentation, I chose to discuss the use of Telehealth and how it can be so useful in cases such as the COVID-19 epidemic. Telehealth is a great use of technological resource to reach patients who need the care. From the comfort of their homes, patients can receive healthcare through devices making it easier for both the client and the healthcare professionals. Utilizing technology to offer health care has various benefits, such as reduced expenses, ease of use, and the potential to give treatment individuals with mobility issues or those living in remote locations who may not have a means of reaching a local doctor or facility. Because of these factors, the usage of telehealth has increased dramatically during the previous decade. Now, 76 percent of hospitals in the United States use telehealth to link physicians and patients online (Watson, 2020). Patients using mobile devices, laptops, and PCs may easily connect with qualified medical professionals who may potentially diagnose, evaluate, and cure a wide range of acute and chronic diseases via telehealth programs. In addition to such technology advancements, approval and acceptability of telehealth are expanding since it is a successful and effective approach of enhancing accessibility to healthcare and results (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). Telehealth is a great and beneficial way healthcare professional can see patients and give them a focused 1 on 1 assessment in order to accurately diagnose and treat them. Along with the many benefits, there are also a variety of advantages for both the providers and clients.


Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth Benefits and Barriers17(2), 218–221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2020.09.013

Watson, S. (2020, October 12). Telehealth: The advantages and disadvantages – Harvard Health. Harvard Health; Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/tel…

You must use the Presentation Template (which is uploaded below). Failure to use the template will result in a 40-point deduction on your grade.

  1. Choose from one of the following topics (you may choose a different topic, but it must be pre-approved by your faculty. Failure to do so will result in a zero score on the assignment.):
    • Nursing during an epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster across the country or around the globe
    • The effect of social media on nursing image. How can nurses educate the public and help portray the true image of nursing? How are nurses personally accountable in their use of social media?
    • The prevalence and impact of substance abuse among nurses (impaired nursing)
    • Impact of collective bargaining on the nursing profession
    • Impact of workplace harassment and violence on the nursing profession
    • You may select from ONE of the following technological advances and discuss its impact on patient outcomes:
      • Telehealth technology
      • Health applications
      • Health-related/electronic wearables
  2. You must use the PowerPoint presentation template provided at the top of this assignment.
  3. You are to create bullet points for each slide, not including the title and reference slides. Every slide must have a speaker note with a minimum of 4-5 sentences addressing the bulleted items on the slide.
  4. Include a minimum of 4-5 peer-reviewed research articles as references in the presentation. All research articles need to have been published within 5 years from today’s date. No blog, chat, other university or Wikipedia information allowed in presentation. The PowerPoint presentation must follow current APA style.
  5. Your presentation should only include the following slides:
    • Title slide
    • Why the topic was chosen
    • How your topic impacts nursing practice
    • Current relevance of the topic
    • Clinical Practice Integration
    • Plan for lobbying: Describe your plan on what and how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funding and support for your chosen issue/trend.
    • Conclusion
    • Reference slide
  6. High Turnitin scores will be evaluated on an individual basis and may result in points deducted and/or a grade of “zero” for the assignment. Use the Turnitin Plagiarism Check to upload your assignment and verify your plagiarism score before submitting your assignment.

Make sure speaker notes show when saving as a PDF. Don’t change titles on each template, you can add color and pictures. Don’t delete the titles but you can delete the instructions posted on the template. Make bullet points on the presentation, but explain in the speaker notes. Need to include in-text citations and references.


Week 8 PowerPoint Presentation

Week 8 PowerPoint Presentation

24 pts
24 pts
24 pts
24 pts
24 pts
10 pts
Total Points: 130
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identification, definition, and description of topic, background & why topic was chosen
24 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Provides an exemplary and insightful analysis of the identification, definition, description and background of the topic & why it was chosen18 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Provides accurate identification, definition, description and background of the topic & why it was chosen12 pts Approaches Expectations Provides partial identification, definition, description and background of the topic & why it was chosen6 pts Below Expectations Provides limited identification, definition and description and background of the topic & why it was chosen0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Missing identification, definition and description and background of the topic & why it was chosen
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome How the topic impacts nursing
24 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Presents an exemplary and insightful analysis of the current issue and trend and how the topic impacts nursing18 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Presents an accurate analysis of the current issue and trend and how the topic impacts nursing12 pts Approaches Expectations Presents a partial analysis of the current issue and trend and how the topic impacts nursing6 pts Below Expectations Provides limited explanations of the current issue and trend and how the topic impacts nursing0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Lacks understanding for the current issue and trend and how the topic impacts nursing
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Current Relevance
24 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Presents an exemplary and insightful analysis of the current relevance of the issue and trend in nursing18 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Presents an accurate analysis of the current relevance of the issue and trend in nursing12 pts Approaches Expectations Presents a partial analysis of the current relevance of the issue and trend in nursing6 pts Below Expectations Provides limited explanations of the current relevance of the issue and trend in nursing0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Lacks understanding of the current relevance of the issue and trend in nursing
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical Practice Integration
24 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Presents an exemplary and insightful analysis of how the current issue and trend is integrated into clinical nursing practice18 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Presents an accurate analysis of how the current issue and trend is integrated into clinical nursing practice12 pts Approaches Expectations Presents a partial analysis of how the current issue and trend is integrated into clinical nursing practice6 pts Below Expectations Provides minimal analysis of how the current issue and trend is integrated into clinical nursing practice0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Lacks understanding of how the current issue and trend is integrated into clinical nursing practice
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Plan for lobbying
24 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Presents an exemplary and insightful analysis of the importance of lobbying legislators or local government for support funding. Offers detailed and specific examples of current legislation regarding the effect on current clinical practice settings18 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Makes accurate connections to the importance of lobbying legislators or local government for support funding. Offers some detailed examples of current legislation regarding the effect on current clinical practice settings12 pts Approaches Expectations Makes partial connections to the importance of lobbying legislators or local government for support funding. Offers few detailed examples regarding effect on current clinical practice settings6 pts Below Expectations Provides insufficient connections to the importance of lobbying legislators or local government for support funding. Offers no details and/or examples regarding effect on current clinical practice settings0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Information is missing. Response indicates no understanding of the importance to lobby for any support funding
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Creativity and Professionalism
10 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Includes an exemplary visual presentation (i.e. data, graphs & clip arts) to capture the audience in slides/presentation. Writing contains no spelling, grammatical, and/or mechanical errors. References and citations contain no APA errors. Sources include peer-reviewed, research-based articles, within last 5 years7.5 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Includes an adequate visual presentation (i.e. data, graphs & clip arts) to capture the audience in slides/presentation. Writing contains 1-3 spelling, grammatical, and/or mechanical errors. References and citations contain 1-3 APA errors. Most sources include peer-reviewed, research-based articles, within last 5 years5 pts Approaches Expectations Include partial (i.e. data, graphs & clip arts) to capture the audience in slides/presentation. Writing contains 4-6 spelling, grammatical, and/or mechanical errors. References and citations contain 4-6 APA errors. Few sources include peer-reviewed, research-based articles. Sources are >5 years old2.5 pts Below Expectations Include few (i.e. data, graphs & clip arts) to capture the audience in slides/presentation. Writing contains >7 spelling, grammatical, and/or mechanical errors. References and citations contain greater than 6 APA errors. Sources are included, but are not current, not peer-reviewed, and/or are not research-based articles0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Template was not used. No visuals were included. Writing contains many spelling, grammatical, and/or mechanical errors. No reference or citations were included.

Requirements: 11-12 slides

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discuss the use of Telehealth

10 slides

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