Discuss the Second World War, and how the conflict was darker and deadlier than previous wars

Discuss the Second World War, and how the conflict was darker and deadlier than previous wars

Assignment Details HIST-1103-21132 Survey of American History
Essay Prompts for Exam 3/Final Exam
Please answer one of the following questions in essay format. Your answers will need to be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font, with 1 inch margins. In addition, you will need to cite from the lecture, your textbook, and readings using footnotes in Turabian style (please consult the video I posted in week 4 discussing the exam), but consult http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/tur abian citationguide.html for more assistance). Ideally, the entire part of your exam should be 4-6 pages. If you have any questions, please let me know.

  1. What was the impact of World War One on the United States and abroad? How did the First World War affect the United States at home as well as American society? What was the military role of the United States in World War One, and what impact did it have on the overall Allied victory? Be as specific as possible in your answer. What were President Wilson’s goals for the Versailles Peace Conference, and how successful were they?
  2. Analyze the Great Depression and the American attempts to end it. What caused the depression, and what factors made it the worst in U.S. History? How did both Presidents try and solve the depression, and how successful were they? How did Franklin Roosevelt approach the problems of the Great Depression differently than his predecessor? What finally ended the Great Depression? Be as specific as possible with your answer.
  3. Discuss the Second World War, and how the conflict was darker and deadlier than previous wars. How did the U.S. mobilize and train for the war? Explain the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. Why was it done? What actions in the latter stage of the Pacific War convinced planners the atomic bomb was a better option? Was it decisive? How does it compare to other actions in the Second World War? What were the post-war ramifications of using “the bomb”? Be as specific as possible with your answer.

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Discuss the Second World War

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