Discuss the main argument of each text. What are its key concepts and ideas? What questions is it trying to answer?

Discuss the main argument of each text. What are its key concepts and ideas? What questions is it trying to answer?

Write a 2-Page Essay [2 pages of text, double-spaced, 12 pt font] APA

Topic: Discuss the main argument of each text. What are its key concepts and ideas? What questions is it trying to answer? How do different texts in the same module intersect and diverge from one another?

Keep in mind that reading responses must not simply summarize the texts but offer your own perspective. More than 50% of your response paper should build towards original argumentation or analysis. Summary and description are important for showcasing your comprehension of the readings, but your original analysis, argumentation and synthesis of the scholarship is crucial.

Include the following in your essay:

  • Engage closely with all the compulsory materials for that module (though you may also reference optional materials as well as materials from previous modules).
  • Sources from week’s readings, lectures, and videos.
  • You are welcome to bring in your lived experiences and outside materials, but please keep in mind that the assignment requires rich engagement with the assigned course materials and the debates, concepts, and theories from this scholarship. Please keep this in mind. 2 pages is a very limited space. This requires you to be thoughtful about developing meaningful but also efficient arguments and analysis.
  • Be selective. You are NOT expected to cover everything.
  • I provide a rubric as a additional resource for thinking about elements in writing. I do not use the rubric to structure my grading or feedback, but there will be significant overlap between the two. Please only use the rubric to reinforce your understanding of effective writing and not as a strict guide for your response papers. I am open to various kinds of writing as long as original argumentation, analysis and insights are developed.

Cite your sources using Zotero or an similar citation manager. This includes citing within the text and also adding a reference list at the end of the word document. Please use APA style. Please cite all assigned course materials, and cite any other outside materials that you reference significantly in your work. For more details on using a citation manager or creating citations/reference lists, please watch the video in the Zotero Citation manager page in Module 1.

Submit your essay as an attached Word doc (.doc or .docx).

Requirements: 2 pages

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Discuss the main argument

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