Discuss someone who you have personally interacted with that you believe is an effective communicator?

Discuss someone who you have personally interacted with that you believe is an effective communicator?

Discussion Instructions

Please write 200 words about each of the topics below. Be sure to use relevant terms and concepts from the text in your discussion answers.

  1. Evaluating Interpersonal Communication Skills – Reading: Chapters 1, 3, & 4

In an academic paragraph (5-8+ sentences), please share about your strengths in interpersonal communication skills.

In a second academic paragraph, tell us about the weakness in your interpersonal communication skills.

In a third academic paragraph, discuss 3 goals for improving your interpersonal communication skills during the next 6 months.

  • Learning Communication from Others – Reading: Chapters 1, 3, & 4

Discuss someone who you have personally interacted with that you believe is an effective communicator?

Which communication skills does he/she use that align with what you learned from assigned book readings?

What can you learn from him/her to improve your own communication?

  • Social Relationships – Reading: Chapters 6 & 9

Reflect back on a time when you and 2-4 other friends went to a coffee shop, restaurant, or other similar location for social interaction that lasted an hour or more; bars are excluded from this exercise. Close your eyes, relax, and try to visualize how the participants interacted as your time passed together.

In an academic paragraph (5-8+ sentences), describe the location, situation, and context in which you and the other participants were communicating.

In a second academic paragraph, summarize the content of the group members’ communication.

In a third academic paragraph, describe as much of the participants’ nonverbal communication as possible.

In a final academic paragraph, describe the presentation tactics of each participant as much as possible.

  • Perception and Presentation – Reading: Chapters 6 & 9

Describe an instance in your professional or personal life where you managed to create a good first impression upon a person you met for the first time. Describe the presentation tactics you used during the time you first interacted. Discuss all uncertainty reduction (URT) tactics you used.

In retrospect, what URT tactics should have you used but did not use at that time?

  • Intimate Relationships and Conflicts – Reading: Chapters 10 & 11

After completing the assigned book Reading, interview a couple who has been involved in an intimate or romantic relationship for at least a year. Gather enough information to complete the following Threaded Discussion Assignment:

In an academic paragraph (5-8+ sentences), describe the stages through which the relationship was developed.

In a second academic paragraph, discuss several characteristics of the interpersonal communication in the relationship, excluding conflict.

In a third academic paragraph, discuss how they maintain the relationship, excluding conflict resolution.

In a final academic paragraph, describe how the couple handles conflict.

  • Relational Maintenance and Conflict Management – Reading: Chapters 10 & 11

Analyze various stages in the relationship of the couple interviewed as part of discussion one. Discuss briefly:

In what ways can their relational maintenance be enhanced?

In what ways can their conflict management strategies be enhanced?

  • Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace – Reading: Chapters 8 & 12

In 2 academic paragraphs (5-8+ sentences), please share how the information in the assigned book reading will help you improve your interpersonal relations in the workplace.

Be sure to use the most applicable and significant terms and concepts from the text reading in your discussion answers.

  • Identifying Deceptive Communication – Reading: Chapters 8 & 12

Discuss a scenario in which you were unexpectedly deceived by a family member, friend, or coworker. Describe the key elements of deception the person used. What if any events/actions made you suspicious that this person was attempting to deceive you? Finally, discuss how this encounter affected your future interaction with people.

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effective communicator

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