Discuss concepts of high reliability organizations and just culture in patient safety.

Discuss concepts of high reliability organizations and just culture in patient safety.

This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:

  • Analyze the aspects of organizational culture in quality improvement.
  • Discuss concepts of high reliability organizations and just culture in patient safety.


Review the Discussion Guidelines in the Syllabus before starting this assignment.

Case Study: In the article Ohio Doctor is Acquitted of Murdering 14 Intensive Care Patients with Fentanyl Overdoses,Links to an external site. a real-life systems failure is described. This incident depicts a number of areas of failure of quality and safety standards, either because protocols were not in place, or the processes were ignored. How does the culture of an organization support bypassing safety procedures for years, despite reoccurring incidents? What elements of high reliability organizations and just culture would you consider important in preventing a future occurrence of this system safety breakdown?

Action Items

  1. Read the Case Study above, and the Dettwiller and Foslien-Nash & Reed articles from the Module 2 Preparation. Respond to the following items in a discussion post, separating each with a heading or subheading:
    1. Explain the circumstances that resulted in pharmacists and nurses dispensing and administering overdose levels of medication (Fentanyl).
    2. Place yourself in each of these roles and describe how you would have moved forward after the system-wide discovery of the patient deaths by overdose became apparent. Keep the tenets of high reliability organizations and just culture in mind.
      1. Charge nurse in the ICU where the majority of the incidents occurred
      2. ICU Unit Manager in the ICU where the majority of the incidents occurred
      3. Director over all the ICU units
      4. VP of Nursing
      5. CEO of the Health System
    3. Explain what it means to you to have a high reliability organization with a just culture.
    4. Discuss how your current place of work (HEALTH INSURANCE-USE AN INSURANCE COMPANY) reflects principles of high reliability and just culture in regard to patient safety.
      1. What are they doing right?
      2. What could be improved?
      3. How would you describe the culture of your organization in reporting safety concerns?
      4. APS Referencing (current within 5 years)

Requirements: 2000 words

Subject: Masters Health & Medical

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culture in patient safety

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