Discuss at least “two” distinct “issues” presented by Steve Febus about the financial challenges faced by hospital financial

Discuss at least “two” distinct “issues” presented by Steve Febus about the financial challenges faced by hospital financial

Healthcare Finance 101 with Steve Febus

Discuss at least “two” distinct “issues” presented by Steve Febus about the financial challenges faced by hospital financial managers AND discuss “one” surprising concept you heard?

First watch the Steve Febus video and take notes on the issues he presents and what surprises you.


Next watch Dr. Bricker’s Summary of the Steve Febus Video


Submit a thoughtful, well-written, and grammatically correct post discussing 2 issues/lessons discussed in the two videos, and 1 concept/fact/idea that surprised you. Consider using at least one scholarly reference to support your answers. Submit no later than Thursday midnight. Then, respond to at least two of your peer postings by Sunday midnight, addressing their analysis and adding your insights and feedback.

Requirements: 1 page

Masters Health & Medical

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financial challenges faced by hospital

APA 321 words

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