Diana is a 52-year-old female retired nurse who has been on methadone maintenance for 5 years for prior heroin addiction

Diana is a 52-year-old female retired nurse who has been on methadone maintenance for 5 years for prior heroin addiction

  • Diana is a 52-year-old female retired nurse who has been on methadone maintenance for 5 years for prior heroin addiction. Her confirmed dose is methadone 80mg po daily. She has herniated discs at L4–L5 and L5–S1. She has failed conservative treatment with physical therapy, chiropractic spinal manipulations, epidural steroid injects, and long-term NSAID use. She presents to the clinic for spinal fusion consultation. However, she is worried about having too much pain and having to take too many pain medications after surgery. What is your plan of care for Diana? Discuss different pain management options, including ways to reduce the risks associated with long-term opioid therapy and opioid use disorder and overdose.

Requirements: 400 words

Masters Nursing

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heroin addiction

APA 521 words

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