Develop comprehensive differential diagnoses through analysis of histories and examination findings using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Develop comprehensive differential diagnoses through analysis of histories and examination findings using Diagnostic



The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on learning in the course related to course outcomes, program outcomes, and competencies. Reflective inquiry allows for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO 1: Develop comprehensive differential diagnoses through analysis of histories and examination findings using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria. (POs 1, 5)  
  • CO 2: Use mental health screening tools and diagnostic tests appropriately. (POs 1, 5) 
  • CO 3: Differentiate normal and abnormal health history and mental status examination findings for psychiatric mental health patients across the lifespan. (POs 1, 2)  
  • CO 4: Incorporate unique patient cultural preferences, values, and health beliefs in the care of the mental health patient. (POs 3, 5)  
  • CO 5: Formulate an evidence-based therapeutic management plan for common mental health diagnoses based on the needs of the patient and family. (PO 5) 

Due Date

This assignment is due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 8.  

The course ends on Saturday of Week 8. There is no late submission allowed for this assignment. 

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth a total of 30 points.

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

  1. Describe how learning in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles (Holistic Health & Patient-Centered Care). Provide at least two specific examples.  
  2. Select one of the competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 2Links to an external site. listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the advanced-level nursing education competency. Provide at least two specific examples.
    • 2.1 Engage with the individual in establishing a caring relationship
      • 2.1d Promote caring relationships to effect positive outcomes. 
      • 2.1e Foster caring relationships. 
    • 2.2 Communicate effectively with individuals
      • 2.2g Demonstrate advanced communication skills and techniques using a variety of  modalities with diverse audiences. 
      • 2.2i Apply individualized information, such as genetic/genomic, pharmacogenetic, and environmental exposure information in the delivery of personalized health care. 
      • 2.2j Facilitate difficult conversations and disclosure of sensitive information. 
    • 2.3 Integrate assessment skills in practice.
      • 2.3h Demonstrate that one’s practice is informed by a comprehensive assessment appropriate to the functional area of advanced nursing practice.  
    • 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs.
      • 2.4f Employ context driven, advanced reasoning to the diagnostic and decision-making process. 
      • 2.4g Integrate advanced scientific knowledge to guide decision making. 
    • 2.5 Develop a plan of care
      • 2.5h Lead and collaborate with an interprofessional team to develop a comprehensive plan of care. 
      • 2.5i Prioritize risk mitigation strategies to prevent or reduce adverse outcomes. 
      • 2.5j Develop evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes and safety. 
      • 2.5k Incorporate innovations into practice when evidence is not available. 
    • 2.6 Demonstrate accountability for care delivery.
      • 2.6e Model best care practices to the team. 
      • 2.6f Monitor aggregate metrics to assure accountability for care outcomes. 
      • 2.6g Promote delivery of care that supports practice at the full scope of education. 
      • 2.6h Contribute to the development of policies and processes that promote transparency and accountability. 
      • 2.6i Apply current and emerging evidence to the development of care guidelines/tools. 
      • 2.6j Ensure accountability throughout transitions of care across the health continuum.
    • 2.7 Evaluate outcomes of care.
      • 2.7d Analyze data to identify gaps and inequities in care and monitor trends in outcomes. 
      • 2.7e Monitor epidemiological and system-level aggregate data to determine healthcare outcomes and trends.
      • 2.7f Synthesize outcome data to inform evidence-based practice, guidelines, and policies.
    • 2.8 Promote self-care management.
      • 2.8f Develop strategies that promote self-care management. 
      • 2.8g Incorporate the use of current and emerging technologies to support self-care management. 
      • 2.8h Employ counseling techniques, including motivational interviewing, to advance wellness and self-care management. 
      • 2.8i Evaluate adequacy of resources available to support self-care management. 
      • 2.8j Foster partnerships with community organizations to support self-care management. 
    • 2.9 Provide care coordination.
      • 2.9f Evaluate communication pathways among providers and others across settings, systems, and communities. 
      • 2.9g Develop strategies to optimize care coordination and transitions of care. 
      • 2.9h Guide the coordination of care across health systems. 
      • 2.9i Analyze system-level and public policy influence on care coordination. 
      • 2.9j Participate in system-level change to improve care coordination across settings. 
  3. Select one of the competencies from the NONPF Independent Practice CompetencyLinks to an external site. listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the competency. Provide at least two specific examples.
    1. Functions as a licensed independent practitioner. 
    2. Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for professional practice. 
    3. Practices independently managing previously diagnosed and undiagnosed patients.  
    4. Provides patient-centered care recognizing cultural diversity and the patient or designee as a full partner in decision-making.
    5. Educates professional and lay caregivers to provide culturally and spiritually sensitive, appropriate care. 
    6. Collaborates with both professional and other caregivers to achieve optimal care outcomes.  
    7. Coordinates transitional care services in and across care settings.  
    8. Participates in the development, use, and evaluation of professional standards and evidence-based care. 
  4. Submit the assignment using correct grammar mechanics and APA style standards.
    •  Writing is free of grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation errors.
    •  A title page is included in APA format.
    •  Document is double-spaced.
    •  A reference page is included if references were cited. If a reference page is included, it is in APA format. 

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Develop comprehensive differential diagnoses

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