Describe the role of nurses in society. What are nursing ethics? According to you, what are the challenges associated with nursing?

Describe the role of nurses in society. What are nursing ethics? According to you, what are the challenges associated with nursing?

Assignment 1: Nursing Essay


Complete the following essay topics 1-4 below.

  1. Describe the role of nurses in society. What are nursing ethics? According to you, what are the challenges associated with nursing?
  2. Describe two areas of interest in the nursing profession.
  3. Through your areas of interest focus on implementation of an evidence-based change that impacts healthcare outcomes through direct or indirect care from a systems or population focus.
  4. Choose one essay topic from below. Once chosen, support your defense with research-based evidence.
    1. Is nursing a female-centric profession? What are the possible reasons behind a fewer number of male nurses?


  1. The format should be in APA format.
    1. 5-7 pages MAX. This does NOTinclude title or the reference page. 
  2. Title page must be included.
  1. Your name (John Smith)
  2. Professor’s name: Prof. Gonzalez, MSN, RN, SCRN
  3. The class: NUR 4717C
  4. Date
  1. Font: 12pt Times New Roman
  2. Spacing:
  3. Double spaced; No extra spaces.
  4. Margins: One-inch margin on the top, bottom, left and right.
  1. All references must be scholarly, such as nursing journals, research articles, and/or textbooks, etc.
  2. MINIMUM of four references.
  3. The assignment rubric will be utilized to grade the paper.
  4. Please utilize the writing center and library if needed.

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Describe the role of nurses in society

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