Describe the major challenges that Congress currently faces and just how widespread is this problem

Describe the major challenges that Congress currently faces and just how widespread is this problem

First, read the provided excerpts from The Successful Internship. Second, find two or three recent newspaper and/or magazine articles that deal with a serious economic or political issue confronting Congress. All your articles should be about a single issue so that you have enough information to properly answer this week’s questions.

After reading through the articles, use the following questions to guide your essay-style response. Do not answer the prompt questions one-by-one.

  • Describe the major challenges that Congress currently faces and just how widespread is this problem. Provide concrete evidence to support your argument.
  • Has Congress done anything in response to these types of issues? If so, how? Be specific. Perhaps your firm has filed individual lawsuits or maybe it has collectively organized with other firms to lobby the local, state, or federal government. If there is some sort of a lobby group that articulates and represents the interests of your industry, then describe this organization and its lobbying efforts. Has it thus far succeeded or failed in confronting the challenges described above? If the lobby group has proposed a law or initiative, then describe the law and explain how it would help your industry.
  • This question is just an opportunity for you to reflect on your role in society as a professional in your industry. The excerpts from The Successful Internship emphasize the importance of recognizing that professionals have certain moral and ethical obligations to society. What obligations do professionals in your industry have in regard to dealing with the issue you’ve identified, obligations both to the business or industry itself, and to the wider society?

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Political Science

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challenges that Congress currently faces

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