Describe safety concerns related to the public independently seeking health-related information on the Internet

The Internet and Health Care

The Internet and Health Care
Objectives Describe safety concerns related to the public independently seeking health-related information on the Internet Explain how the quality of health-related information on the Internet can be evaluated
Assignment Overview In this written assignment, you will address health-related information on the Internet. The rubric used to grade this assignment is located below the assignment description. Deliverables A one-page (300 word) paper. The page count does not include the cover page or the reference list.
Step 1 Reflect on experience. Share an example of a time in your practice when you have had concerns about information that a patient (or family member, friend, or yourself) has obtained from the Internet. If you have not had such an experience, go to a consumer health information website, such as WebMD, and look up a health condition that you typically see in your practice or have seen in your clinical experiences. Consider how a patient might use this information as you answer the questions in Step 2.

Step 2 Write a paper on health information on the Internet. In a one-page paper, describe safety concerns related to people who seek health-related information on the Internet and explain how to evaluate the quality of health-related information on the Internet. Write your paper using the APA 7.0 formatting style. Cite any and all resources used to complete the assignment and be sure to include a reference list. Always include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph in your writing. Use the following questions as guidelines for your paper: What was the perceived health problem, and how did the patient research this problem? What health-related information was obtained? Was the information accurate? How did the patient interpret the information? What did the patient do with the information obtained? What actual or potential harm could have happened as a result of the information? How can you evaluate the quality of health-related information on the Internet? Be sure to cite the resources used to complete this assignment and include a reference list that accurately reflects the resources cited within the body of your paper.

Requirements: 300 words / APA 7th / Nursing

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Describe safety concerns related to the public independently seeking health-related information on the Internet

APA 435 words