Describe how you would obtain authorization for the project from a “Research Ethics

Describe how you would obtain authorization for the project from a “Research Ethics

This is the second part of the proposal paper and specifically describes your planned method to conduct the study of the research topic formulated in the earlier statement of the problem and literature review paper. This section of the paper should be 5-7 double-spaced, typed pages, excluding the list of references and appendices. Please be sure to turn in the entire paper with part 1 attached so there’s a full proposal paper. This section of the paper should refer to three (3) research articles or texts in justifying the research method you have chosen to carry out your research. These are most likely separate from resources in your matrix as they are more instructional materials. The paper must conform to American Psychological Association (APA) format.

I will add part 1 myself once this has been completed.

Requirements: 6 pages   |   .doc file

Masters Social Science


Yes, please read below the instructions. I totally forgot to add them:

  1. Part II. Research Methodology Paper (100 points) [EPAS 2015 Foundation 1.1 & 4.1]

This is the second part of the proposal paper and specifically describes your planned method to conduct the study of the research topic formulated in the earlier statement of the problem and literature review paper. This section of the paper should be 5-7 double-spaced, typed pages, excluding the list of references and appendices. Please be sure to turn in the entire paper with part 1 attached so there’s a full proposal paper. The paper should refer to three (3) research articles or texts in justifying the research method you have chosen to carry out your research. These are most likely separate from resources in your matrix as they are more instructional materials. The paper must conform to American Psychological Association (APA) format.

This paper should have the heading-Methodology. The format of this paper follows along with the rubric:

    1. Instrument(s) and Techniques for Measurement

In the first section of the paper, locate a measurement; an existing questionnaire, test, or interview format or develop the measurement you will use to collect data about the variables defined operationally in Assignment #1. If you are planning to use an existing instrument, describe the instrument in this section and attach a copy as Appendix A. Using references, indicate how the validity and reliability of the measure were assessed the result of the assessment. Discuss the cultural competence of the instrument for use with diverse, oppressed or at-risk individuals/groups. If you plan to develop your own instrument, describe what the instrument should accomplish and develop 5-10 sample questions or items that will be included in the instrument.

Identify your independent variable(s) and your dependent variable(s). A description of how each variable will be measured should be included in this section. After reading this section, the reader will know the specific variables that will be included in the proposed study and most importantly how they will be measured.

Describe your plan for assessing the instrument’s reliability and validity and the applicability of the instrument in use with diverse, oppressed or at-risk individuals/groups.

    1. Target Population and Sampling Approach

In this section, identify your target population (the group to whom the study’s results are expected to apply). Subjects can be individuals, families, groups, organizations, states, or countries, depending on the unit of analysis. This section will describe how the sample in the study will be selected. Explain in detail how you will draw your sample from this population. Address questions such as will volunteers be solicited, will there be a comparison group, how will the subjects be chosen? In addition to describing how subjects will be chosen, this section should provide a rationale for the selection approach taken. This rationale usually includes external validity requirements (i.e., the conditions necessary to generalize the findings to a particular target population). After reading this section, the reader should have a clear understanding of how subjects will be selected for the proposed research and of why they will be selected in that particular manner. The reader should also have a clear idea of the characteristics of the intended subject’s age, sex, ethnicity, education, SES, and other applicable related variables.

Provide enough detail to allow someone reading this paper to implement the approach. In this section, you should address such issues as:

1. Probability versus non-probability sampling approach;

2. Size of sample;

3. Justification of approach and size;

4. Detailed description of sampling process

    1. Design for the Collection of Data and Use of Research Procedure

This section will describe the type of research design to be used. Will is be ethnography, case study, quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, quasi-experimental, cross sectional or longitudinal? You should provide a detailed description of the data collection procedure you will use (e.g. survey, observation, existing data). Summarize the key features of your overall research design. Identify several (3-5) strengths and weaknesses of your study. Discussion of weaknesses should include consideration of threats to internal and external validity. After reading this section, the reader should have a clear understanding of the overall design of the study.

    1. Consideration of Ethical Safeguards and Diversity Issues

In this section, identify the ethical and diversity issues posed by your research project. Describe how you would obtain authorization for the project from a “Research Ethics” Review Board. Clearly indicate how your research process will include safeguards that insure the safety and well-being of all participants. Also, discuss briefly how your proposal is sensitive to the concerns and perspectives of the cultural or social membership groups that you intend to study.

    1. Consideration of Ethical Safeguards and Diversity Issues

In this section, identify the ethical and diversity issues posed by your research project. Describe how you would obtain authorization for the project from a “Research Ethics” Review Board. Clearly indicate how your research process will include safeguards that insure the safety and well-being of all participants. Also, discuss briefly how your proposal is sensitive to the concerns and perspectives of the cultural or social membership groups that you intend to study.

13 hours ago

The original document I’ve attached is Part 1 of what the last tutor has completed and he received a 95%.

And for a little cheat sheet:

Please read over the rubric 😀

Rubric: Research Methodology Paper

– attached

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Describe how you would obtain authorization for the project from a “Research Ethics’

obtain authorization for the project

APA 2256 words

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