Describe how nurse leaders apply nursing informatics standards

Describe how nurse leaders apply nursing informatics standards

How to Care Using Technology Objective Describe how nurse leaders apply nursing informatics standards Discussion Overview This discussion forum explores how nursing leaders can use informatics in the nursing profession. Deliverables Your participation in the discussion forum, including the following: A response to the initial questions below Every discussion in this course requires documentation to support the statements you make. The level of evidence you use to support your statements is important and must be evident in each part of the discussion. Your textbook and the article you are asked to locate/read should always be used as evidence. The next level of evidence would be peer reviewed articles, and after that, well known web sites for example: CDC or the AHA. Avoid the use of blogs or obscure or non-healthcare related web sites, and Wikipedia.

Step 1 Post your response to the discussion board. The original discussion post must be a minimum of 250 words in length with citations and references. With the introduction of huge amounts of technology and electronic documentation, it seems we are moving further from providing hands-on nursing care to patients. How can we, as nurses, apply nursing informatics standards to personalize care for patients? Give some examples of how technology can be used to personalize care.

Requirements: 250 words/ APA 7th/ Nursing

Masters Nursing

Hello Henry. This class is leadership- Management in Nursing

Please follow every requirement in given assignments and, and make sure its APA 7th format and references need to be only topic/ medical/nursing related. Make sure citations are frequent in paragraphs. make sure every requirement is covered.

By the way this class provided book is if you need reference (Textbook: Title: Leadership and Management for Nurses (4th ed) ; Authors: Finkelman, A. Publisher: Pearson-Prentiss Hall , Publication Date: 2020 ,Edition: 4th ) also reference can be any be peer reviewed healthcare articles, and after that, well known web sites for example: CDC or the AHA. Avoid the use of blogs or obscure or non-healthcare related web sites, and Wikipedia.

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apply nursing informatics standards

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