Define creative destruction and explain how it is applicable within the food service industry. Analyze an example of market competition

Define creative destruction and explain how it is applicable within the food service industry. Analyze an example of market competition

Write an essay using a third-person perspective with no direct references to your personal experiences answering the 3 questions below in relation to theoretical and applied practices within hospitality management. Three essays with a total page of 30. For example, the three essays could have the following number of pages, 8, 12, and 10, which equals 30. No essay should have less than 8 pages. Use at least 12 references as a minimum , with a minimum of three for any individual essay.

  • Define creative destruction and explain how it is applicable within the food service industry. Analyze an example of market competition where creative destruction applies and provide an example of a maneuver you would use as a current owner.
  • Following the COVID pandemic and “The Great Resignation” both impacting hospitality and services industries significantly, how has Value Consciousness been redefined for employees within the employer/employee dynamic [how have values and needs changed for the workforce] and how can you as a leader in the industry make a positive impact for your workforce?
  • The COVID pandemic demonstrated the need for leaders to be skilled in contingency planning and adaptability. Provide a critique of how different types of hospitality businesses [lodging vs. food service vs. travel, etc.] adapted during the time of crisis, whether they failed or were successful. Then, identify, justify, and critique the lessons learned you could apply to your hospitality business of choice.

Requirements: 30 pages

Subject: Hospitality

you may use the example above for the lengths of the papers

8,12 and 10

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Define creative destruction

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