Dean is 49 years old and experienced burn-out a few years ago.

Dean is 49 years old and experienced burn-out a few years ago. He was laid-off from his job and took the time off to return to school

Critical Thinking Assignment (100 Points)

Important! Read First

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.

Option #1: Occupational Choice and Transitions

People choose and change careers based on a variety of factors we learned about in Chapter 12 of the textbook. Some factors that play a role in these choices include personality type, occupational interests, skills, abilities, and external factors such as gender and economic needs. Several theories are described in the textbook to explain career choice. Another theory, Ibarra’s Model, is presented in the following article, How people actually change careers: A two-part case study illustrating Ibarra’s Model  Links to an external site.” (Valusek, 2019). Use this article, the textbook, and two scholarly sources to answer the following questions about career choices.

  1. Compare two different theories of how people choose an occupation. In your opinion, did you find one of these stand out as more valid?
  2. Consider Evan’s story in the case study article. What led to his desire to change careers?
  3. Apply Ibarra’s Model to the factors that contributed to Evan’s successful career changes and utilize the model to discuss the choices he made.


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

Option #2: Supervision Staffing Notes: The Case of Dean

Dean is 49 years old and experienced burn-out a few years ago. He was laid-off from his job and took the time off to return to school. He earned a graduate degree and then had to begin his new career at a lower level and work his way up. Dean makes more money than he did in his previous career, but does not yet have the same status he enjoyed at his old job. Retirement is still many years away, and he has plenty of time to succeed and advance in his new role.

You are a career coach at the university where Dean recently received his graduate degree. You have been working in individual sessions with Dean for two weeks. During your next counseling session, you plan to evaluate Dean’s case using the concept of a normative crisis that occurs in middle age by exploring credible sources. You plan to address each of the following items in your next counseling session:

  1. Refer to and apply Erikson’s theory on midlife crisis.
  2. Relate Erikson’s work specifically to personal priority rearrangements that may occur in middle adulthood.
  3. Explain how the concept of midlife crisis relates to the lives of different people.
  4. You may review the commentary provided in this week’s textbook readings regarding Erikson’s theory.


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

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Dean is 49 years old and experienced burn-out a few years ago

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