Dave is a 30 year old married man with 2 children ages 7 & 5. He is a highly motivated “career man”. His career orientation can best be described as “getting ahead

Dave is a 30 year old married man with 2 children ages 7 & 5. He is a highly motivated “career man”. His career orientation can best be described as “getting ahead

                                                    LHR 100                                                                                            Graded Activity #2                                                                         

Due:  February 20th, 12:20 pm

INSTRUCTIONS—This is an individual activity.  You are to read the two cases below and provide an answer to the question(s) at the end of each case. The answer you submit will be graded based on the degree to which you provide clear, well-reasoned answers to the questions asked (each case asks you to answer four questions; these questions are designated with a question mark (?)!).  Your answer to each of the four questions for each case should not exceed 1-2 sentences (in some cases they can be answered in one or two words).  You should submit your answers via the Activity #2 dropbox on the course Canvas website by 12:20pm, February 20th).  Late submissions will not be accepted. Total score for the activity is 50 points.

1. Dave is a 30 year old married man with 2 children ages 7 & 5. He is a highly

motivated “career man”. His career orientation can best be described as “getting

ahead.” He works for Solomon Corporation as a middle level executive. Solomon

has been cited on numerous occasions for being one of the best companies to work

for in regards to work/life balance.  However, Solomon hired a new CEO six months again and he has sent signals that he thinks work/life balance programs are for wimps.  Dave’s wife is having their third child in a few weeks and has asked Dave to take 2-3 weeks of his Family and Medical Leave Act time to help her with the kids. What do you think Dave should do?  What are the benefits and costs of him taking leave?  And, in your opinion, which is greater—the benefits or the costs?  And why?

2. Donna is a 45 year old married women with two kids ages 12 and 16. Her husband

works full-time as a high powered attorney in town. Donna has always given up

career growth to help her family have a more balanced life and to be there for her

kids. Donna works for Excel Incorporated as an entry level sales representative.

Donna’s daughter is going to undergo surgery on her knee and will need a few weeks of rehabilitation. The daughter has asked if her Dad could take care of her during rehab since she rarely sees him because of his busy work schedule.  Donna and her husband are debating who will take time off to be with their daughter. What are the arguments for Donna taking time off?  What are the arguments for her husband taking time off? Ultimately, who do you think should take time off—Donna or her husband?  And why?

LER 100 Activity #2                          Name_______________________________________________

Case 1. What do you think Dave should do?  What are the benefits and costs of him taking leave?  And, in your  opinion, which is greater—the benefits or the costs?  And why?  25 points

Case 2.  What are the arguments for Donna taking time off?  What are the arguments for her husband taking time off? Ultimately, who do you think should take time off—Donna or her husband?  And why?  25 points

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highly motivated “career man

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