Culture is a rich source of knowledge that is part of every child’s family you service. It is important that we as teachers

Culture is a rich source of knowledge that is part of every child’s family you service. It is important that we as teachers

Culture is a rich source of knowledge that is part of every child’s family you service. It is important that we as teachers are aware of the cultural influences that are within our communities and what our students, families and parents have to offer your classroom. As you grow your culture is part of how you were raised, and family traditions are passed down through generations. This cultural connection to our families is important to our identity and has a profound effect on how we view the world. As a teacher it is my job to highlight the aspects of culture that influence a child and can be a teaching tool within the class curriculum. Learning about culture helps with our sensitivity and compassion for children as we care for them. The more we know the more open we become and can provide children with the understanding of their world as they explore all the aspects of learning.

This assignment is to get you thinking about the community in which you live, service or venture into on your free time. Southern California is a petri dish of culture, and you can find about every culture you want to explore and learn more about. For this assignment you will need to choose a culture that you wish to learn more about and educate your classmates on. Following the attached guideline, you will need to research a culture and provide a written report on your findings. You will submit this assignment to the class discussion and then you will get the opportunity to explore what your classmates have researched to share with you. This assignment is due by the end of week 7 no later than March 19 so your classmates have time to explore your report and you have time to explore your classmates’ reports.

Some cultures to explore in our area are……

Pilipino, Portuguese, Chaldean, Kurdish, Hispanic/ Mexican -American, University Student Culture, Pacific Islander, Asian……

You can choose any other culture that is not listed as well.

Report Guideline–  attached

Requirements: 2 days

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Culture is a rich source

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