Critically analyze the nature and significance of social connections in contemporary society

Critically analyze the nature and significance of social connections in contemporary society

Critically analyze the nature and significance of social connections in contemporary

society. Consider how society has changed since Durkheim (e.g., technological changes,
economic, social transformations). No need to specifically engage with Durkheim (you can if you
like). Develop an argument that explores the ways in which social relationships have been
impacted by these changes, and consider the concept of social resistance as a means of
navigating and challenging these transformations. Your essay should be between 1200 and 1300
words and demonstrate a thoughful engagement with sociological theories and concepts
related to social relationships and social resistance. You are not limited to course material from
the second half of the course—use any and all applicable materials to address the prompt.
• In-text citations are required, but no works cited page necessary
• Include intro, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion
• Thoughtfully incorporate at minimum FOUR course readings (this does not include films
and lecture material, which may ALSO be used)
• Only course material allowed
• Any evidence of AI-generated papers or excerpts will receive a 0.
• You may brainstorm with other students, but you must write your essay on your own.
• Paraphrase when possible and avoid direct quotes unless absolutely necessary.

Requirements: 1200 to 1300

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significance of social connections

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