Creation of a health promotion initiative to improve health indicators for “your health problem

Creation of a health promotion initiative to improve health indicators for “your health problem’


I am taking Health Promotion & Role Development and we have to write DIscussion Posts every week. I would like to please have this Post be written by you. I am providing PDF copies of what the question is As well as what the Rubric for writing the Post consists of.

****DISCUSSION POSTS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM of 2 References, which must be peer reviewed journal articles. Also, the Post needs to be a Maximum of 300 words. Posts MUST include the required elements of an APA in-text citation and list of references.****


****I am also including the ESSAY question Below again just in case : ****

Creation of a health promotion initiative to improve health indicators for “your health problem”. This activity is focusing on your creativity, analysis of facts, organization and leadership qualities. Be concise but comprehensive in your ideas.


Please focus on local aspects, placing yourself as leader and creator of a potential health promotion strategy. ********THE LOCAL AREA I SELECTED IS MIAMI, FLORIDA**********

MAP-IT stands for:

M Mobilize

A Asses

P Plan

I Implement

T Track

*******Using MAP-IT framework determine how you may: *******

  1. Mobilize resources and stakeholders to take care of the selected health problem in your community, determining mission and vision of the resulted coalition, defining partners, their roles and meeting plans.
  2. Asses the problem, including a realistic long-term goal, how you may collect data to determine your needs and priorities logically organized
  3. Plan objectives and steps to achieve them. Consider opportunities for interventions with broad reach and impact. How may you measure your progress? What is expected to change, by how much, and by when? Choose objectives that are challenging yet realistic.
  4. Implement. Create a detailed work plan that includes concrete action steps assigned to specific people with clear deadlines and/or timelines. Share responsibilities across coalition members but consider having a single point of contact to manage the process to ensure that things get done. Check in with coalition members by using the Coalition Self-Assessment to see if your process is running smoothly. Develop a simple communication plan. Use kick-off events, activities, or campus meetings to showcase your coalition’s accomplishments.
  5. Track. Plan regular evaluations to measure and track your progress over time. Evaluations can help your coalition determine if your plan has been effective in achieving your goals. Be mindful of limitations of self-reported data, data quality, data validity, and reliability. Partnering with a statistician or researcher at your institution can help you conduct a quality evaluation. You can use these basic formulas to calculate baseline, target, and achieved rates for your selected health outcomes.

****Finally, I would like for this Activity to be completed the soonest possible.

Thank you,


Requirements: Up to 300 words


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health promotion initiative

APA 747 words

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