Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis

Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis

Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural considerations of a case study. Include a research-based plan to resolve the case.


Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

The ability to organize and effectively present information is essential for securing employment and for effective performance as a professional. Fundamental skills include both appropriate verbal communication and visual design using presentation software to convey content to an intended audience.

In this assessment, you will create and record a slideshow with accompanying spoken narration showcasing the course competencies you achieved and highlighting your research and writing in this course. This presentation will comprise a synthesis of the first two course assessments. Guides for verbal communication, presentation design, and software you can use are linked in the Resources.

While examining your project components and making decisions about the essential information that will be presented, we recommended you begin by creating an outline and comparing it to the Comprehensive Case Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you have specifically taken into account and addressed all of the grading criteria in detail.

This comprehensive presentation will show your development as a psychology professional. It will demonstrate much more than a cover letter and résumé. You may use some or all of this presentation for job interviews. It can give prospective employers the opportunity to see a complete picture of who you are, your education, your accomplishments, and your skill sets. You may use it to convey concepts or to illustrate the depth of your skills and experience, or as a tool to get a second interview.

You will use your research, analysis, writing, and communication skills for this presentation. This capstone course is designed to allow multiple opportunities for demonstrating your mastery of the content and the course competencies, which are also the established program outcomes.


Note: You must complete Assessments 1 and 2 before beginning this assessment. As you create your presentation, consider the feedback you received from your instructor on your Assessments 1 and 2. You may use information from your Assessments 1 and 2 for your presentation. However, be sure to edit the information to fit the requirements of this assessment, and to create a logical flow of ideas for your presentation.

Create and record a slide presentation with accompanying spoken narration, which comprises a comprehensive synthesis of your research and recommendations concerning ethical and cultural issues described in a case study, including a research-based plan to resolve the case.

While examining your previous assessments and making decisions about the essential information that will be presented, it is recommended that you begin by creating an outline and comparing it to the Comprehensive Case Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you have specifically taken into account and addressed all of the grading criteria in detail.


Use the PowerPoint Template [PPTX] to complete this assessment.

Slideshow Instructions

You may use PowerPoint to create this slideshow, or if you wish, you may use Prezi or some other option. However, PowerPoint is best supported by the resources provided. You are responsible for making your presentation work.

For each assessment you have written in the course thus far, create 8–10 slides that provide a high-level explanation or summary. In other words, you should create a minimum of 16 slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, and references slide. Use a clear and concise structure.

  • Title slide: On the first slide, enter:
    • A brief title of the presentation.
    • Your name.
    • Course number and title.
    • Capella University.
    • FlexPath instructor’s name.
  • Introduction slides: Provide a brief introduction to your presentation. Describe what you will be discussing in your presentation.
  • Content slides: Provide a high-level overview of the salient points from Assessments 1 and 2. While you may use some of your previous work, such as the research studies, theories, and plans, be sure to revise your work so you are addressing the criteria for this assessment. You will likely need to revise your previous work so it flows for your presentation and meets the specific criteria for the presentation.
  • Conclusion slides: Briefly summarize your presentation. Provide a concise summary about the topics addressed.
  • Reference slides: List all references cited in your presentation.

All slides should include detailed presenter notes that include what you will say for each slide. Some slides may need to include more extensive notes than others, depending on what you are presenting for that slide. It is recommended that presenter notes are at least two paragraphs per slide. Please note that presenter notes explain the slides in more depth and thus should not be identical to your slides. Be sure to include the kind of detail you would present to an audience if you were presenting live to a group. You may use information directly from your previous assessments when writing presenter notes. However, entries should be edited so they are written as if you are speaking to an audience or a potential employer, for example. You can utilize the presenter notes when recording the audio portion of the presentation.

Voice-Over Instructions

Your presentation should include a comprehensive audio voice-over that presents essential information for each slide. Elements of good spoken delivery include:

  • Appropriate volume and clear pronunciation.
  • Avoidance of audible fidgeting and distracting interjections.
  • A variety of intonation and pacing and appropriate use of pauses.

Important: Before you record your presentation, it is recommended you allow ample time to practice your presentation until you are comfortable with these elements.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact to request accommodations.

Portfolio Prompt: You are encouraged to submit this work to your ePortfolio.

Checklist for Slides

Before you submit your presentation, it is recommended that you double-check that the following elements are included:

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply psychological theory and concepts to individual, organizational, and social issues.
    • Apply psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues.
  • Competency 2: Apply empirical research findings to issues in psychology.
    • Apply empirical research findings to issues in psychology.
  • Competency 3: Use scientific research methods and findings to address psychological phenomena.
  • methods used to support them.
  • Competency 4: Solve problems in the field of psychology through critical and scientific analysis, and innovative thinking.
    • Analyze and solve problems in the field of psychology through critical, scientific, and creative thinking.
  • Competency 5: Evaluate decisions or actions based on cultural competence and ethical principles.
    • Evaluate decisions or actions based on cultural competence and ethical principles.
  • Competency 6: Integrate knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal, collaborative, and professional behavior.
    • Integrate knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal and professional behavior.
  • Competency 7: Communicate effectively with diverse recipients in a manner that is consistent with expectations for psychology professionals.
    • Employ appropriate written, verbal, and visual communication to convey content to an intended audience.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to written work.

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presentation with accompanying spoken narration

20 slides

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