Create a 7 to 15-minute video in which you present strategies, programs, or policies related to improving outcomes

Create a 7 to 15-minute video in which you present strategies, programs, or policies related to improving outcomes

STUDENT WILL CREATE VIDEO OFF OF SAMPLE PAPER WRITTEN BY TUTOR (5-6 papers, 5-6 references which will be provided)

Create a 7 to 15-minute video in which you present strategies, programs, or policies related to improving outcomes for your chosen global health issue and reflect on the experience of advocating to a chosen audience.

In this assessment, you will report on your experience developing strategies, programs, and policies toward improving outcomes related to your chosen global health issue. Part of the assessment will require you to present at a meeting of a relevant professional organization or at a meeting with a relevant government official. Be sure you budget the time to complete this aspect of the assessment.

A variety of national and international documents guides policy development across the globe. In the United States, Healthy People 2020 provides goals and a vision for “a society in which all people live long, healthy lives” (, n.d., “Vision,” para. 1). The United States also has a guiding document to inform health policy at the international level. In its global health initiative, the United States outlines health and human services priorities that guide the funding and program development for more than 80 countries (KFF, 2017). Finally, at the international level, the United Nations’ MDGs guide the efforts of local governments and external funding sources to meet not only health needs but also social needs of developing countries (Merson et al., 2012). The SDGs will continue the work of the MDGs.

Though consensus documents help to inform health policy, funding for programs is imperative if benefits are to be sustained over time. For this assessment, you will continue that discovery as you learn about the role global health initiatives have in supporting and formulating public policy in the health sector. Even if policy and funding are in place, health programs can fail if social and cultural concerns are not addressed.

References (n.d.). About Healthy People

KFF. (2017). The U.S. government and global health

Merson, M. H., Black, R. E., & Mills, A. J. (2012). Global health: Diseases, programs, systems, and policies (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Global population health is everyone’s concern, and nursing leadership has a role in increasing knowledge and supporting the use of available resources to the fullest. Members of the nursing profession have a responsibility to advocate for others in need of care. This can be accomplished in many ways.

Membership in professional organizations such as the Association of Nurse Practitioners (ANP), the American Nurses Association (ANA), or the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) provides an opportunity for networking, as well as advocacy. In these interactions, you can share knowledge and learn about other populations and how to influence policy with a focus on disease management and health prevention and promotion. Opportunities to develop strategies for improvement within a strong political group will provide strength for change.

Learning about the needs of countries that have been devastated by natural disasters and further compromised by disease prompts one to take action. In many cases, preexisting barriers must be addressed before resources can even be effective. Focusing on your previously identified country, plan strategies that you feel would address the key issues by priority. Perhaps use the resources available or plan for future changes to alleviate and modify these issues.

In this assessment, you have a choice between Exercise A or B. Please read each one carefully before making your choice.

Exercise A.

You are requested to attend a meeting of one of the professional organizations within your community. Each organization usually has chapters that should be active within designated regions. At this meeting, present your developed strategies and allow time to answer questions and provide additional information as feedback by the group. If action items are being considered, a committee may be formed and further work groups developed. A summary of this meeting needs to be written up and future plans discussed.

Exercise B.

Contact the office of your state senator or Congressional representative and schedule an appointment. These politicians have local offices within your voting district where you should be able to visit with them. At your meeting, the agenda should include your concerns about global population health and progress that is being made through policy decisions. To prepare yourself for this meeting, review what Congress has been working on to improve the health of global populations. As a nurse leader, be prepared to discuss how to influence change through the strategies you have prepared.& A summary of this meeting needs to be written up and future plans discussed. Remember, as nurses, we are involved in lobby days, during which groups of nurses go to the capitol and demonstrate advocacy as change agents. Nurses can affect the future.


Check that your recording equipment and software are working properly and that you know how to record and upload your video. If using Kaltura, refer to Using Kaltura [PDF] for directions on recording and uploading your video in the courseroom.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If you are unable to record a video, please contact your instructor as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.


Complete this assessment only after you have had your meeting or presentation based on whether you chose Exercise A or B above.

After selecting your exercise, make sure you have prepared your strategic plan, policy proposal, and any presentation or speaking notes you will need for your meeting of choice. You should leverage the work you have done in the previous assessments related to your chosen global health issue. The research, interviews, data collection, writing, and project proposal or educational resource that you have already completed should help to inform and support your preparation for your presentation or meeting. Remember, the goal of your meeting or presentation is to advocate for specific actions to help improve the current and future outcomes of your chosen global health issue.

You will make a video in which you discuss, present, and reflect on your experiences related to your topic, the meeting or presentation, and any outcomes achieved.

One possible way to organize your video is as follows:

Introduction and Background (2–4 minutes)

Provide a brief overview of which option you chose, why you chose that option, and some details about your preparations for your presentation or meeting.

  • Explain the rationale and preparation to present strategies and potential policies related to a global health issue to a relevant audience.
    • Which option did you choose?
      • Why did you pursue this option?
    • How did you prepare for the presentation or meeting?
      • How did you work to ensure that your strategies or policies were culturally sensitive?
      • What resources did you use to develop your presentation or speaking points?
      • What research about your audience did you perform?
        • How did you tailor your message to your audience?
    • How was your global health issue relevant to the audience you chose?
    • What were your goals for the presentation or meeting?

Condensed Presentation (3–5 minutes)

Provide a condensed version of your presentation. Focus on the key information and vital points from the longer presentation or meeting that you already had. The key is to make the information succinct, accessible, and compelling. Show you believe in and have passion for your cause. Be genuine. Your audience will know if you are faking enthusiasm.

  • Advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
    • What is the issue?
    • What are your goals?
    • What are you asking the audience to do or contribute?
    • Why is the issue important (to the audience and the global community as a whole)?
    • Why is your plan or policy an appropriate approach to drive improved outcomes?
  • Explain how investment in sustainable resources and policy development align with the mission or goals of a nongovernmental organization or government program.
    • How will working on your chosen issue benefit the audience?
    • How does your proposal align with the mission or goals of the audience?

Reflection, Summary, and Outcomes(2–4 minutes)

In this final section, reflect on your experience of presenting or leading a meeting related to your chosen global health issue and summarize any takeaways or outcomes that you have from the presentation or meeting.

  • Reflect on the experience of presenting and advocating for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
    • How did the presentation or meeting go?
      • What went well?
      • What would you change if you had to give it again?
    • How did it feel to be advocating for your plan or policy?
  • Summarize key takeaways and outcomes of your presentation to a relevant audience.
    • What were your most important takeaways from the experiences?
    • What, if any, outcomes have resulted or seem plausible at this time?

Additionally, your communication will be evaluated on the following criterion:

  • Communicate orally in a way that engages the audience while maintaining an appropriate tone.

Additional Requirements

If you reference specific research findings or sources in your video, make sure that you submit an APA-style reference list for those sources.

  • APA style and format reference list: Submit, along with the video, a separate reference page that follows APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to the APA Module as needed.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Propose and evaluate culturally sensitive interventions to address health problems.
    • Explain the rationale and preparation to present culturally sensitive strategies and potential policies related to a global health issue to a relevant audience.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate the structure and function of public health nongovernmental funding organizations.
    • Explain how investment in sustainable resources and policy development aligns with the mission or goals of a nongovernmental organization or government program.
  • Competency 4: Analyze multiple perspectives, without bias, on policies that affect health care.
    • Advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
    • Reflect on the experience of presenting and advocating for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
  • Competency 5: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Communicate orally in a way that engages the audience while maintaining an appropriate tone.
  • Competency 6: Obtain the minimum expected practicum hours.
    • Summarize key takeaways and outcomes of a presentation to a relevant audience.

Resources: Advocacy and Policy Development

Requirements: 5-6 pages with 5-6 references

Please topic needs to be on cardiovascular disease outside of the USA such as high BP.

Also, keep in mind this assessment 3 is based off of assessment 2

Also, the NGO (a nonprofit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.) I have selected from the UNITED KINGDOM, because there is so much information on it is “

British Heart Foundation”

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policies related to improving outcomes

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