Create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you report on specific performance data findings about your chosen health care practice setting from the first assessment.

Report on specific performance data findings about your chosen health care practice setting from the first assessment

Create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you report on specific performance data findings about your chosen health care practice setting from the first assessment.


As a DNP-prepared nurse you will utilize data to implement evidence-based practice changes, create and/or sustain a particular program, increase market share, recruit/retain talent, demonstrate compliance with regulations, obtain grant funds, mitigate risks, and monitor organizational or system performance. In this second assessment, you will have an opportunity to explore data provided by Leapfrog and Medicare Compare.


In preparation for this assessment:


For this assessment, create a 6–10 slide PowerPoint presentation for an executive-level audience. In addition to the information on your slides, make sure you are creating detailed speaker notes using APA style and citing your references. Additionally, you should include explanations as to how the structure and evidence used in the presentation is designed to appeal to your executive-level audience.

Overall, your assessment will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Report the Leapfrog and Medicare Compare scores of a chosen organization or provider type.
    • What is the overall Leapfrog grade?
      • What are the performance scores in the three selected patient safety areas?
    • On Medicare compare, select a provider type. (You can use your own organizations or whichever institution or practice setting you used for the previous assessment.)
      • What is the patient safety score?
      • How does this score compare to two others like provide types?
  • Recommend an evidence-based implementation of informatics/technology to improve both Leapfrog and Medicare Compare score.
    • Looking at the data, how might informatics/technology be used to improve both Leapfrog and Medicare Compare scores?
  • Explain the rationale of the presentation structure and supporting evidence used to specifically appeal to an executive-level audience.
    • Include these within your speaker’s notes. This can be done by slide or as a summary on your References slide at the end of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
  • Create detailed speaker notes for the PowerPoint presentation using APA format and citing appropriate references.

You may use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help guide your structuring and formatting of this assessment.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: A 6–10 slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker’s notes, plus a slide for the reference list.
  • References: 2–4 scholarly or professional resources, no more than five years old.
  • APA format: Both PowerPoint slides and speaker’s notes should follow current APA style and formatting. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Defend the selection of a technology to meet the needs of a health care organization.
    • Recommend an evidence-based implementation of informatics/technology to improve both Leapfrog and Medicare Compare score.
    • Create detailed speaker notes for the PowerPoint presentation using APA format and citing appropriate references.
    • Report the Leapfrog and Medicare Compare scores of a chosen organization or provider type.
    Competency 2: Evaluate technology and its effect within a health care organization.Competency 3: Evaluate and solve ethical and legal issues relating to health care technology.Competency 4: Address assessment purpose in a well organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Explain the rationale of the presentation structure and supporting evidence used to specifically appeal to an executive-level audience.
    • Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

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