Construct a one-page handout on the dimensions of trusting partnerships in a document file or using an online tool

Construct a one-page handout on the dimensions of trusting partnerships in a document file or using an online tool



As you might recall from the discussion this week, you and your group members were invited to collaborate with other education professionals to participate in a PLC or CoP focused on best practices in family-professional partnerships. Each member of this multidisciplinary PLC has been asked to submit a recorded professional development presentation to share with the group. You decide to focus on the dimensions of trusting partnerships to support student success in the special education setting.

For your final project, you will create a handout for attendees, a presentation slideshow with speaker’s notes, and a screencast video explaining the dimensions, opportunities, foundations, roles, and impact of trusting education-based collaborative relationships through family-professional partnership. To do this, you will synthesize your personal and professional experiences, current research, and the knowledge and resources gathered during this course. Your audience for this presentation is fellow educators and education professionals who are members of the Best Practices in Family-Professional Partnerships PLC.

Use the instructions below for the content and written communication expectations for the handout and presentation. Before submission, review your assignment using the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. to ensure it meets the expectations for distinguished performance. If you have questions about the assignment or the rubric, please contact your Instructor before the due date.

Part One: Dimensions of Trusting Partnerships Handout

Construct a one-page handout on the dimensions of trusting partnerships in a document file or using an online tool you have located that includes the following specific elements:

  • Design a visual representation of the five dimensions of trusting partnerships discussed in this course, including their definition and features.
  • Create a section emphasizing the seven opportunities from the Sunshine Model of Trusting Family-Professional Partnerships discussed in your textbook, listing an example of how each builds on those partnerships.

Part Two: Slides Presentation with Speaker’s Notes

In your slides,

  • Construct a statement describing the purpose of the presentation (one slide with speaker’s notes).
  • Describe the foundations of why we engage in education-based collaborative relationships to support student needs (1 slide with speaker’s notes).
  • Explain how the roles of family and professional systems contribute to the development of student supports and programming in the special education setting, considering the information received through the Interview Reflection | Voices from the Profession and your experiences with the Take a RoleLinks to an external site. interactive activities throughout the course (1 slide with speaker’s notes).
  • Differentiate the impact of equity, respect, communication, advocacy, and commitment on the success of education-based collaborative relationships, providing examples (1-2 slides with speaker’s notes).
  • Design a short interactive opportunity that engages the listeners at your professional development session to apply the skills you are presenting (1 slide with speaker’s notes).
  • Conclude with recommendations for the next steps in developing trusting family-professional partnerships (1 slide with speaker’s notes).
    Provide a reference list in current APA format on your final slide of the presentation (1 slide)
  • Return to the prior activities of the course. Gather your discussions, journals, and assignments from Weeks 1 through 5 to support the completion of sections of your final project.In preparation for this final project,
    • Review all posted course announcements.
    • Read the Week 6 Instructor Guidance.
    • Revisit relevant topics in the Instructor Guidance from prior weeks.
    • Review the CLOs for this course listed in the Syllabus.
    • Read the required sections of the textbook:

Requirements: 8 slides

Masters Education & Teaching

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trusting partnerships in a document

8 slides

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