Consider patient safety issues that you have heard about in your practice, the medical field, the media

Consider patient safety issues that you have heard about in your practice, the medical field, the media


The purpose of this assessment is to identify your patient safety issue and further explain how the safety issue was identified, the impact on safety, and/or descriptions of the problem from clinical experts within your institution. Your goal is to identify internal resources or do a “needs assessment.” The internal resources will not require citation/references. You are welcome to draw from personal experiences and use creative liberty to make your case from an internal perspective.


Throughout the course, we will focus on a patient safety issue of your choice and work through all six steps of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. The first step is to “Ask the burning clinical question in PICOT format,” which you will find later in this assessment in the section titled “Mastering the First Step in EBP: PICOT.”

Now, let’s imagine that you are the Director of Clinical Operations and Nursing Excellence at a major metropolitan medical center encompassing many entities, including hospitals and outpatient medical centers. You report directly to the Chief Nursing Officer and serve as the front-line leader for clinical operations, including serving as a clinical resource for all nursing staff levels in both the acute-care and ambulatory settings.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the best practices and protocols are implanted throughout the medical center. Your primary goals are to focus on problems in health care safety and how to solve them with evidence-based interventions as a quality improvement (EBP/QI) project.


Introduce your patient safety issue, the supporting research, and possible intervention, using the following steps:

  1. Consider patient safety issues that you have heard about in your practice, the medical field, the media, or your coursework. Select a patient safety issue to research throughout this course.
    • Explain the patient safety issue that needs improvement.
    • Describe the problem in detail using creative liberty or give specific examples of the issue in practice.
  2. Locate and review two examples of internal or practice site sources of evidence that support the need for change to address the patient safety issue.
    • Describe how the sources were obtained, including a timeframe or number of patients involved.
    • The internal resources will NOT require citations and references.
  3. Locate and review two sources of evidence that the safety issue exists outside of your institution.
    • We call these external resources. This information can come from peer-reviewed literature, clinical practice guidelines, consensus statements, local or national databases, national organizations, Joint Commission, and/or hospital compare (CMS). The external resources will require citations and references.
    • Explain how these literature resources support the need for change related to the patient safety issue.
    • Describe how each source is directly related to the patient safety issue.
  4. Determine the organizational priority by describing why this patient care safety problem is of significant concern to stakeholders, patients, or community members. Give specific examples.
  5. Describe your desired patient outcomes from a proposed intervention and the potential impact of the quality improvement project. Use at least one citation from literature to support the intervention.
  6. Again, the patient safety issue and intervention or interventions identified for this assessment will also be used for all the assessments in this course, so take a look at those assessments now. Ensure the problem and interventions you select will work for the other four assessments.
  7. Create 8-10 slides that reflect the issue you have selected, the evidence, and the possible interventions. You may use the following headings for your slides:
    • Title.
      • Name, course information.
    • Presentation Outline.
    • Patient Safety Issue.
    • Internal Evidence of Patient Safety Issue.
    • External Evidence of Patient Safety Issue.
    • Organizational Priority for Intervention.
      • Describe why problem is significant to stakeholders and give specific examples.
    • Propose a Quality Improvement Project.
      • Describe interventions and desired patient outcomes and potential organizational impact.
      • Include at least one citation from literature to support proposal.
    • References.
  8. Submit PowerPoint slide deck with slide notes in PDF or Microsoft Word format and a video recording of your 5-minute presentation.


  • 8-10 PowerPoint slides with slide notes.
  • Minimum two external resources.
  • Reference slide with APA citations.
  • Submit slide deck, slide notes, and video recording.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply the steps of the evidence based practice process to a health care challenge.
    • Identify a health care safety problem that needs to be improved.
    • Describe why this health care safety problem is a concern to stakeholders, patients, or community members and should be an organizational priority.
    • Explain your desired patient outcomes and the potential impact of the quality improvement project.
  • Competency 5: Interpret the results and practical significance of health care data analyses in the evidence based practice process.
    • Document two external sources from literature of evidence that support the need for change.
  • Competency 6: Produce original written work, in compliance with the Capella Writing Standards, which is a creative synthesis of information from credible sources.
    • Conduct a professional presentation using well designed slides and slide notes.
    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


Masters Health & Medical

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Consider patient safety

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