Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment.

Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment.


In this information age, where data are readily accessible and there is both a great demand for accelerated research projects and strict limitations on research funding, using existing data makes sense. Data used in this way are called secondary data; they come in many forms and contain information on just about anything—depending on who collected the information in the first place, and why. As a health professional, you have access to a wide range of secondary data sources, including government agencies (such as the Census Bureau or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and private sources, including local health service providers. Global and international data are available from familiar sources, such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations. In addition, nearly every nation maintains statistics on social, economic, and environmental indicators, which contain a wealth of health information.
No matter the topic—be it vaccination rates, women’s access to mammography, or chronic lung disease—you can probably find an existing secondary data source related to the specific population health problem you are investigating. The next steps are to identify the variables in the data source that you would need to analyze to examine the association of interest and to assess the validity of the data source. For this Assignment, you delve into these issues in greater detail.



In 3–4 pages (not including the title page and references), analyze the data sources you selected by addressing the following:

  • Briefly identify the population health problem you selected.
  • Identify each data set you selected.
  • Identify the variables in each data set you would need to examine the association of interest.
  • Assess the validity of each data set. Has it been used for prior studies/publications?
  • Explain the challenges you might face as a researcher in identifying a proper data set or securing permission to use it.

Requirements: four pages

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population health problems

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