Compare the role of indigenous art in two indigenous activist movements.

Compare the role of indigenous art in two indigenous activist movements.

Compare the role of indigenous art in two indigenous activist movements.

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Please make sure to use the correct academic resources, and only consider North America not Australia and if you have any questions ask me.  please see the attached pdf.

And make sure to write examples

5pgs of content

Comparative Essay:

Artistic Regionalisms

Indigenous Studies: Intro to Arts and Culture 1016-004

Due: March 20

Write a Comparative Essay answering one of the following questions (whichever question you did not answer in the Historical Essay assignment). Compare the role of indigenous art in two indigenous activist movements; what role has indigenous art played in indigenous activism and resistance? Compare the style of indigenous art in two regions or First Nations, in what ways are they different or similar and why? Students must reference at least four academic sources not including the textbook. Students are encouraged to contact me ahead of the due date to discuss the assignment and any potential accommodations.

All assignments are to be a typed, double-spaced (12pt. Times New Roman font); document sources using APA, MLA, or Chicago formatting. Essays should be 4-5 pages long double spaced, with page numbers, with dedicated title page and reference/bibliography page (6-7 pages total), 2.54 borders margins, and using consistent citation formatting. It is the student’s responsibility to retain a photocopy or USB copy of ALL assignments submitted for grading; in the event of loss or theft, a duplicate copy is required.

All Assignments must be submitted on the due date in person or submitted via Nexus. Email submissions will NOT be accepted unless under special circumstances with advance communication.

Submission Late Penalty Policies:

Late Submissions will be deducted 10% of final grade for every day that passes after assigned due date.


Formatting: Citations, Grammer, & Writing QualityThe Student follows all citation and assignment format styling, including font, margins, proper citations, title and reference pages, pg numbers. The student’s writing is clear and to the point.The Student follows some/most citation and assignment format styling, including font, margins, proper citations, title and reference pages, pg numbers. The student’s writing is difficult to follow but includes essential information.The Student follows little/no citation and assignment format styling, including font, margins, proper citations, title and reference pages, pg numbers. The student’s writing is difficult to follow and off topic
ContentThe student’s choice of essay question is clear. The content answers the essay question. The content is organized and makes a clear point/thesis. The content illustrates a strong understanding of the culture(s), artist(s), art movement(s). The content is relevant to answering the essay question.The student’s choice of essay question is clear. The content relates to the essay question. The content is not well organized but makes a clear point/thesis. The content illustrates a good understanding of the culture(s), artist(s), art movement(s). The content is relevant to answering the essay question.The student’s choice of essay question is unclear. The content does not relate to the essay question. The content is not well organized and struggles to make a clear point/thesis. The content illustrates a poor understanding of the culture(s), artist(s), art movement(s). The content is not relevant to answering the essay question.
ResearchThe student explains 2 or more relevant sources (not including textbook) and relates their content to the essay question and the student’s thesis. The research material is clearly introduced and properly cited. The student has critically engaged with the research material with reference to the essay question and thesis.The student explains 1-2 relevant sources (not including textbook) and relates their content to the essay question and the student’s thesis. The research material is introduced and properly cited. The student has not critically engaged with the research material with reference to the essay question and thesis.The student explains 0-1 relevant sources (not including textbook) and does not relate their content to the essay question and the student’s thesis. The research material is not introduced or properly cited. The student has not critically engaged with the research material with reference to the essay question and thesis.

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role of indigenous art

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