Compare and contrast the origins, development, social structure, and labor system of the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania

Compare and contrast the origins, development, social structure, and labor system of the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania

Please answer one of the following questions in essay format. Your answers will need to be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font, with 1 inch margins. In addition, you will need to cite from the lecture, your textbook, and readings using footnotes in Turabian style , but consult abian citationguide.html for more assistance). Ideally, your answer should be 3-4 pages – though you can always of course write more! Your essay must be submitted by 11:59pm Friday to DropBox – late submissions without good reason will be assessed a -5 point per day late penalty. If you have any questions, please let me know.

  1. Compare and contrast the origins, development, social structure, and labor system of the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Examine in detail how each colony formed, its origins, and evolution. What was the primary motivator behind each colonies’ foundation? What changed over time in the colonies? In your opinion, which colony was the most successful? Why?

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Compare and contrast the origins, development, social structure, and labor system

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