Choose three of the 11 theories of development you reviewed in the Human Development Theorists

Choose three of the 11 theories of development you reviewed in the Human Development Theorists

1. Review the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan media presentation. child and adolescent class week 1. To go to the classes go to Capella University | Online Degrees from an Accredited University click students and alumni login top right and the username is and password is 12Joshua! Click on appropriate week and class, to access the books go to bottom left and click click on vitalsource bookshelf.

  • Choose three of the 11 theories of development you reviewed in the Human Development Theorists media presentation. Introduce and discuss each theory and then demonstrate your understanding by applying each of these theories to Jared’s case.
  • Select and apply another three theories of development you reviewed in the Human Development Theorists media presentation. Introduce and discuss each theory and then demonstrate your understanding by applying each of these theories to Hallie’s case.


Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers. Choose peers who selected theories that differ from those you chose. Compare and contrast your application of the theories to those they applied. this class is also child and adolescent. week 1

2. respond to student migdalia “According to Kress, V. E., Paylo, M. J., & Stargell, N. (2018), counselors are providing services and must take all factors into consideration, such as important risk and protective factors. The counselor must also be aware of the child/youth’s cultural, social, and economic status, which influences the overall development and outcomes. In the case of Jared, I would explore the following three theories of development for him: Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg. Since Jared is a 5 year old male in kindergarten, he would need assistance in adjusting to socializing with his peers/adults, understanding a new routine, and following instructions. By utilizing Piaget’s theory, it would allow the opportunity to explore how Jared perceives his new environment, how he adapts to participating in a classroom setting, and how to assist him in building coping skills when he cannot manage his level of frustration. In applying Erikson’s theory, it would be an option to explore how Jared’s development stage of Initiative vs. Guilt (Age 4-5), in which the child initiates behaviors through modeling adults. This may be a red flag that the child may be witnessing an adult expressing their level of frustration via throwing objects or becoming aggressive with their peers. Since Jared cries after each incident, he either knows that he is doing wrong or he is imitating an adult; and these behaviors would need to be monitored in the event the child is exposed to any type of abuse which needs to be reported to Child Protective Services. Lastly, Kohlberg’s theory will be beneficial for Jared because this particular theory speaks to the moral development of a human. In the Jared’s situation, one would look into his moral reasoning influences by his emotional relationship, which consist of his understanding of empathy, love, respect, and attachment. As part of Kohlberg’s theory, a counselor-in-training would be able to utilize positive reinforcements or receiving consequences to achieve desired outcomes in his behaviors. In the case of Hallie, I would explore the following three theories with her: Vygotsky’s Social Cultural Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. It appears that Hallie is struggling with understanding her new family structure, which included her primary caregiver/mother drinking too much and staying away from their home and her father restarting a new life with his pregnant fiancée. These changes for an 11 year old can cause an impact in her overall development. As I counselor, I would explore her basic needs, loss of weight and staying later in school for academic support. She made by be neglected by her family so this will be a student that needs to have preventive services in place so Child Protective Services should be called in. In regards to applying the theories, I would consider Vygotsky’s SocialCultural Theory because it would be beneficial to explore how her social environment and family changes has impacted her daily life. This will focus on her building positive connection with her parents and informal supports, such as peers and school staff. Secondly, Erikson’s theory can be utilized to explore how Hallie is coping with this development stage of Industry vs. Inferiority (Age 6-12), which the child can either become under or over achiever. The child also seeks to please their caregivers and may struggle with this process since both of her parents are not interactive with her as they once were doing. Lastly, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory refers to the patterns and external events that impact the individual in certain phases on their life. For instance, Hallie’s parents are divorced and her father is planning to marry his pregnant fiancée. Therefore, both Hallie and her mother are going through an adjustment period of changes that is affecting Hallie’s overall mental and physical development.”


Kress, V. E., Paylo, M. J., & Stargell, N. (2018). Counseling Children and Adolescents. Pearson Education (US).

3Respond to student leslie…Jared is a 5-year-old African American male who is displays emotional outbursts that include verbal and physical aggression when he becomes frustrated. He is tearful and apologetic when he de-escalates. (Case Study Treatment Plan, 2023) The theory this writer would apply to Jared would be Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development. This theory looks at behavioral development through a series of stages that begin and birth and conclude at death, each phase has identified tasks, which if not met, will result in a hinderance in some aspects of development. The individual achievement of these milestones are impacted by the level of positive or negative feedback that is received throughout the progression of each stage. (Kress, Paylo, & Stargell, 2018) Jared could be struggling with Stage 2 Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt due to the transition to school. This task in this phase revolve around the establishment of autonomy and he could be feeling a loss of autonomy due to the structural transition to the school setting which is leaving him overwhelmed and at a loss of control.The second theory this writer would apply to this case would Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Similar to Erikson’s, Piaget looks at development in stages, that begin at birth, but Piaget’s stages end at age 16 (adolescence). (Kress, Paylo, & Stargell, 2018) In applying Piaget’s theory, Jared would be in the preoperational stage, which occurs during ages 2-7. This stage is marked by play that can reflect real-life situations and the child will act, or react, in a egocentric manner due to the inability to view situations from the perspective of another. (Kress, Paylo, & Stargell, 2018) If Jared is an only child, or is pampered at home for reasons such as age gaps in siblings, he may not have an appropriate level of social skill in regards to sharing or social interaction which results in him becoming overwhelmed and expressing his emotions through his outbursts.A third theory that could be utilized for Jared would be Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. This theory view development as learned and modeled through the observation of others in their environment. (Kress, Paylo, & Stargell, 2018) Jared could come from an environment where there is little interaction externally which may have limited his exposure to positive interaction and his behaviors are a result of a lack of exposure.Hallie is an 11-year-old Caucasian female who presents a significant mood presentation from happy and enthusiastic to withdrawn and depressed. The mood change has been accompanied by weight loss that is noticed by her teachers. Hallie states that her mother has been drinking and being absent from home and her father, whom she visits every other weekend, is engaged and expecting another child. (Case Study Treatment Plan, 2023)When looking at applicable theories for this case, this writer would utilize Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Hallie’s primary caretaker (her mother) has become less dependable and is failing to meet Hallie’s needs for affection, attention, and possibly the more basic needs such as food. Hallie’s father, whom she had limited time with to begin, is now likely preoccupied with a pending marriage and preparation for another child. This may have resulted in a reduction in the quantity and/or quality of time that he provides to Hallie. All of these aspects could impact Hallie’s concept of emotional and physical safety, which would have an impact on the higher functioning levels of the pyramid that define things such as self-esteem or self-worth. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory could also provide an explanation for the drastic change in Hallie’s presentation. This theory looks at the way that an individual is impacted by the various environmental systems that her life is comprised of. (Case Study Treatment Plan, 2023) Hallie’s changes could be directly impacted by the changes occurring within her Microsystem and Mesosytem due to the increased drinking and absences of her mother, coupled with the engagement and pending birth of a child that is occurring with her father. These drastic changes are going to have repercussions throughout all facets of her life and likely resulting in the presented symptoms.Bowlby’s Attachment Theory could also be utilized when examining Hallie’s case. “Bowlby claims that the child’s early social interactions, or attachments, establish the internal expectations of and attitudes toward personal relationships.” (Case Study Treatment Plan, 2023) Hallie appears to have had a healthy relationship with her mother prior to this which would have established the concepts of safe haven and secure base within that relationship for her. Hallie’s mother has began drinking more and has become absent from home to a potentially neglectful level. This loss of her sense of safety and security could directly result in the sullen, withdrawn presentation that the teachers have identified.


Case Study Treatment Plan. Capella University. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2023, from…

Kress, V. E., Paylo, M. J., & Stargell, N. (2018). Counseling Children and Adolescents. Pearson Education (US).


For this discussion, complete the following:

  • Discuss your experience with research and with research data analysis. If you have a specific area of interest in research, include this in your post.
  • Install JASP, if you have not already done so.
  • Identify any steps that were important in successful installation, as you are working through the process of installing JASP. Similarly, identify any snags you are experiencing (or have experienced) in the set-up process and any solutions you have found to those snags to reach successful installation and setup.


Respond to the post of at least one peer by offering suggestions and support for classmates who are experiencing snags in the installation and setup process. In your response, include additional thoughts, suggestions, or information (such as data, current research trends, methods, ways to use research results, or inquiries) related to your peer’s area of research interest.
Response posts are due by Sunday night. class adv stat.week 1.

5. Respond to student tatyana “I was first introduced to research data analysis when I took two research and statistics courses during undergraduate study in psychology. For that course, we used the SPSS program to analyze data. I have given much thought to specific areas that I would like to research. Although, I enjoy reading about research that has been conducted regarding child welfare, drug behavior, and youth. Regarding JASP, the program was fairly simple to install. I regularly use a Windows computer, but chose to install JASP on my MAC computer. For this, I installed directly from the webpage, using the link provided in the courseroom. There are directions on the JASP website that are helpful during installation. But, it took about five minutes to have the program installed and able to be opened successfully on my computer.”


One of the first steps in conducting research is to acquire an understanding of the community and population served. One easy method to do so is to research demographic information that may inform community and agency practice.

For this discussion, please introduce yourself to your classmates by providing a summary of the community in which you live. In your summary: (use info… my name is jackie gifford, use the demographics of rockford Illinois. )

  • Use reliable Internet resources (such as demographics, state websites, or the U.S. Census website) to research and provide demographic details of your community. Cite this data using current APA formatting.
  • Provide a summary of your findings in a statistical format using demographic terms.
  • Provide a summary or analysis of your community, based on your findings, (for example, discuss potential needs based on the demographics; minority populations; socioeconomic needs; and gender, age, and diversity. equality, or inequality) and what social work programs may be needed.
  • Include a short discussion of what skills you will need to develop to conduct a more extensive research study within your community.

Note that your initial post should substantive and be 500 words. It should be well-organized and proofread.

Initial posts are due by Thursday night.


Respond to at least one peer. Suggestions for peer responses include asking additional questions about the community, further analyzing the potential needs of this community based on the demographic data, or offering insight regarding your peer’s analysis. Reference the course readings about the importance of conducting research and the reason why social workers might be reluctant to engage in research.

Note that your response post should be substantive and be 250 words. It should be well-organized and proofread.

7. reply to student. jasmyn.. Hello everyone, my name is Jasmyn Smalls. I was born and raised on Long Island, located in West Babylon, NY. Fast forwarding to now, I am still here in the same location. West Babylon, NY, is considered to be a quiet suburban area.

According to Data USA (2023), “In 2020, West Babylon, NY had a population of 42.3K people with a median age of 41.8 and a median household income of $104,940. The largest ethnic groups in West Babylon, NY are currently white (67.6%), Black (11.5%), and white Hispanic and Asian (2.9%) (Data USA, 2023). In 2020, there were 5.86 times more white residents (28.6k people) in West Babylon, NY than any other race or ethnicity.I was somewhat shocked to find out that there are “5.86 times more white residents than any other race,” (Data USA, 2023). As someone who has spent all of their life thus far in West Babylon, NY, I thought my town and school was pretty diverse. After discovering these findings I pulled out my yearbook to compare these findings and discovered that there were not many African American students, and most were predominantly white. I now feel that my town can become more diverse, as well as more welcoming to individuals of a different ethnic background. The student body at the schools served by West Babylon Union Fee School district is 56.6% white, 9% black, and 3.6% Asian, and 28.8% Hispanic (U.S. News and World Report, 2023). I found these findings to be very interesting, specifically the percentage for Hispanic students, being that the population overall is at a low percentage within the area.The skills that I would need to develop, to conduct a more extensive research study within my community would be cultural competency. I feel that the more educated I become on other people’s cultural backgrounds, I would then be able to make my community more culturally aware of different ethnic groups and their backgrounds. I would also host different events within my community, such as festivals to bring awareness to different backgrounds. I believe that awareness is one of the key factors to acceptance. Once people within my community become aware of various ethnic backgrounds, they can become more educated and welcoming. This could then lead to West Babylon, NY becoming a more diverse town than what it is.


West Babylon Union Free School District – U.S. News Education. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2023, from…

West Babylon, NY. Data USA. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2023, from

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