Choose the nutritional treatment or diet plan the nurse would implement for a patient with this disorder.

Choose the nutritional treatment or diet plan the nurse would implement for a patient with this disorder.


  • Provide a brief description of the pathophysiology of the disorder.

Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the protein gluten once gluten is in the small intestine (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). Gluten is a protein found in many staples grains like wheat, rye, and barely. These consistent immune attacks cause damage to and eventually flatten the small intestines’ mucosa. As the mucosa becomes flattened, there is less surface area for nutrients to be absorbed through to , causing the patient to be at increased risk for impaired nutrient absorption.

  • Discuss the nutritional needs of a patient with this disorder.
  • Choose the nutritional treatment or diet plan the nurse would implement for a patient
    with this disorder.

The priority for a patient with Celiac’s disease is to adhere to a gluten free diet. The patient should be taught about substitutes for commonly consumed foods that are gluten rich such as using chickpea or almond flour instead of wheat flour. The patient should also be taught to look at the food labels for hidden or obscure use of gluten in products. The patient should also exercise caution when trying new foods that say gluten free as a food product only needs to have less than 20 parts per million of gluten to say gluten free (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The patient should also be taught about less known gluten containing products like malt liquor, processed meats, packaged dinners, and many sauces. The provider would schedule labs to check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies and then order the required supplements or medications for the deficiencies. Common deficiency findings are iron deficiency anemia, vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia, low protein. If the patient had iron deficiency anemia they would be encouraged to eat iron rich foods like meat and dark leafy vegetables or even given an iron supplement as well as consume foods rich in vitamin C like fruits to encourage iron absorption. If the patient has vitamin D deficiency they would be encouraged to consume vitamin D rich foods like salmon and cod liver as well a consume fortified milk if their diet allows. If the patient had hypocalcemia they would be encouraged to consume calcium rich foods like dairy and dark green vegetables, may be put on a calcium supplement, and would be taught to consume vitamin D rich foods or milk to encourage calcium consumption (Mayo Clinic, 2021). If the patient has low protein they would be encouraged to eat more protein like lentils or meat to increase the available amount of protein as absorption is impaired in a Celiac patient. The patient may also be encouraged to consume more protein to help prevent severe damage if they are put on corticosteroids to manage the immune attacks (Cleveland Clinic, 2022).


Cleveland Clinic. (2022, December 1). Celiac disease.

Mayo Clinic. (2021, August 10). Celiac disease: symptoms and causes.

Response 2

Celiac disease triggers an immune response when gluten is digested. This immune reaction is activated in the small intestines. Eventually, the reaction destroys the lining of the small intestines which will interfere with the absorption of several nutrients. Specifically, the small intestine villi are destroyed and cau cause poor health and symptoms of celiac. Gluten can be found in wheat, barley, and rye (MayoClinic, 2021).

It’s critical that these individuals consume high fiber foods such as beans and legumes, due to the fact they’ll be missing out on fiber from wheat, barley, and rye. Several micronutrients such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12, copper, and zinc are typically deficient in individuals with Celiac Disease. This is due to the part of the small intestine that is impaired causing a decrease in nutrient absorption (Celiac Disease Foundation, 2020).

Individuals with Celiac Disease have to follow a strict Gluten-Free diet. Meat, nuts, beans, legumes, and herbs are allowed to be eaten because they are naturally gluten free. Some of the possible benefits of following a celiac disease include reduced symptoms, prevention of small intestine damage, better nutrient absorption and a less likely risk of osteoporosis. An example of a meal plan a patient with Celiac Disease may have is eggs for breakfast, lettuce wrap with deli meat for lunch, and shrimp and vegetable stir-fry for diner (Julson, 2019).


Celiac disease – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic. (2021, August 10). Mayo Clinic.

Dietary Supplementation Advice for Celiac Patients | Celiac Disease Foundation. (2020, March 25). Celiac Disease Foundation.

Julson, E. (2019, January 8). Celiac Disease Diet: Food Lists, Sample Menu, and Tips. Healthline.

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