Choose one United States (federal), or state, or local government criminal justice agency and discuss the structure, functions, and administration of that agency

Choose one United States (federal), or state, or local government criminal justice agency and discuss the structure, functions, and administration of that agency

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 3

Number of Pages: 5

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

Your Topic: Research Paper

Assignment Details: Research Paper

Due Date: 

For your research paper, you MUST choose one United States (federal), or state, or local government criminal justice agency and discuss the structure, functions, and administration of that agency.  The format for the research paper includes a title page, outline, text, and references.  You are required to utilize a minimum of four sources to write the paper.  You can use your textbook as one of your sources. The paper must be double-spaced and 5 pages in length.

The paper is to follow the APA style.  For information on APA style, consult: Reference.html.  Please note that spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, and the general content will factor prominently in determining the grade of the paper.    Also, note that plagiarism (making intellectual use of material that originated with another author without citing the source) is a serious intellectual offense and will be addressed accordingly, that is, to the highest punitive academic degree, including earning a failing grade for the course. 

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local government criminal justice agency and discuss the structure

APA 1565 words

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