Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.

Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.

Your Topic: discussion Question

Assignment Details: s a graded discussion: 10.5 points possible

due Mar 30 at 10:59pm
Week 5: Discussion 2
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Websites and social media sites can provide important sources of data that will help expand your understanding of the stakeholders who are connected to the phenomena you are exploring.

Walden has devoted an entire website to making visible its actions and activities about social change. At the social change website, you will find videos, annual reports, text, and images. As you explore this data source, consider what text, images, and reports you would like to include as part of your data analysis exercise.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To prepare for this Discussion:

Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.
Explore the Walden Social Change website and locate an additional document, video, or webpage that will inform your understanding of the meaning of positive social change. Reflect on any additional sources you find.
Next, write field notes based on the information you gathered from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites that might inform your changing impressions about the meaning of positive social change.
Finally, review the media programs related to coding and consider how you will use this information to support this Discussion. Note: In your Excel Video Coding template there is a tab for your website data. Use this tab to place your content and codes for the website.
Prepare a brief explanation of your understanding of the meaning of positive social change thus far. Refer to the additional sources you have reviewed this week, and comment on how they are shaping your experience. Use the data you gathered from your analytic memo to support your explanation.

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and identify commonalities and differences in your experience. Consider the value of using documents and other media as data sources in qualitative research.

  • Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016). Introduction to coding [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.In this media program, Dr. Susan Marcus, Core Research Faculty with the School of Psychology at Walden University, introduces you to the world of coding using Word or Excel documents. In this first video, you will learn how to organize your data.
  • Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016). From content to coding [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 12 minutes.In this media program, Dr. Susan Marcus, Core Research Faculty with the School of Psychology at Walden University, introduces coding and how to move from content to codes. This video focuses on what Saldaña (2016) calls “first cycle” coding. Three different approaches are presented. Analytic memos will also be discussed.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 2

Number of Pages: 1

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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social change literature review articles

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