choose a topic related to LGBTQI behavioral and mental health. Examples include trauma, abuse, homelessness, bipolar disorder, etc.

choose a topic related to LGBTQI behavioral and mental health. Examples include trauma, abuse, homelessness, bipolar disorder, etc.

Week 5 discussion post with 2 responses.

choose a topic related to LGBTQI behavioral and mental health. Examples include trauma, abuse, homelessness, bipolar disorder, etc.

Address the following in your post:

  • Introduction to a topic related to LGBTQI behavioral and mental health.
  • Epidemiology and economic costs.
  • Overview of the assessment and tools to assess/DSM-5.
  • Pharmacological interventions with specifics to dynamics, kinetics, contraindications, side effects, and so on.
  • Plan of care to include collaborative interventions and psychotherapeutic options.

Requirements: answer all componet

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mental health

APA 798 words

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