Carlos’ parents report that they have had a very difficult time getting his allergies and asthma under control

Carlos’ parents report that they have had a very difficult time getting his allergies and asthma under control

Discussion Question #3

Choose one case from the case studies we have read and post a behavior plan outline for that case based on the discussions in class. What behaviors are necessary to focus on first and how can you make changes to the antecedents and consequences to modify the behaviors?

Case Study: Carlos

Child Description:

Carlos is a two and a half year old little boy who lives with his mother, father, and 5-year-old sister. He attends a local community preschool. Carlos is able to communicate using 2-4 word combinations, is toilet trained, and enjoys eating and listening to stories. Carlos is on a special diet due to multiple food allergies and he is on medication for chronic asthma and allergies.

Carlos’ parents report that they have had a very difficult time getting his allergies and asthma under control and they think that when he has a flare up and is on multiple medications that he loses sleep and his challenging behaviors seem to increase. When his sister tries to use the same toys that Carlos is playing with, he will hit and pinch her until she returns the toys or plays with something else. He is constantly trying to get his parents to play with him and when they can’t he will hit them. Parents admit that they often “give in” to him because they don’t want him to continue hitting.

At preschool, his teachers report that Carlos is very aggressive towards the other children and at times with the adults. He will hit, pinch, and sometimes bite. He is most likely to have challenging behaviors during activities where he has to share or turn take or when a peer takes a toy that he wants.

Requirements: don’t know

Masters Writing

The question is based of the case study (Carlos).

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