Brad has just received a diagnosis of colon cancer. Brad is in his 70s and feels he has a lot of life left to live

Brad has just received a diagnosis of colon cancer. Brad is in his 70s and feels he has a lot of life left to live

Developmental Case Study: Brad

Brad has just received a diagnosis of colon cancer. Brad is in his 70s and feels he has a lot of life left to live. He is happily married to Margaret and has three married children who live close by as well as seven grandchildren he adores. Because of his love for his family, he is ready to fight through his illness, despite the tremendous anxiety he is feeling. Treatment for his cancer will require at least one surgery and multiple hospital visits for chemotherapy. His medical team has recommended he begin receiving palliative care and that he consider MDMA-assisted therapy to help with his anxiety.

Read the articleA Review of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Assisted Psychotherapy(Links to an external site.)about MDMA-assisted therapy.

You are a social worker on Brad’s medical team. In your meeting with Brad and his family, the following questions arise. For this assignment, choose one question to explore, keeping in mind you might not come up with an answer. How would you wrestle with these different scenarios? In your responses to colleagues, discuss the different ways you might approach the options.

1. Compare palliative care with hospice care. Under what circumstances would you recommend one or the other care option for Brad?

2. What actions might Brad and his family consider now to be ready for every possible outcome of his treatment? For example, what if Brad loses the ability to make his own medical decisions? What else might come up that they should prepare for now?

3. Brad has expressed to you his interest in MDMA-assisted therapy as an option. How might you broach this topic with his family, none of whom are in support of this option?

4. What resources does Brad’s family need to help them cope with anticipatory grief?

Be sure to craft your post as though you are the social worker. Consider the options you have in helping Brad and managing his case. When you respond to the initial posts of your colleagues in class, you should again assume the role of a social worker and discuss the options offered. This gives you all the opportunity to discuss real-world situations in the field.

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words and must be submitted by Thursday, midnight (MT), of this week. By Sunday at midnight (MT), respond to two or more of your classmates’ initial posts in one of the following ways:

  • Build on something interesting or provocative that your classmate wrote.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share your understanding of your classmate’s posting in your words.
  • Offer and support an opinion with peer-reviewed sources or industry best-practices.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting by providing constructive feedback.

Keep in mind that you’re expected to engage critically and not editorially. Engage the material and cite, using APA(Links to an external site.), where necessary.

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Brad has just received a diagnosis of colon cancer. Brad is in his 70s and feels he has a lot of life left to live

APA 360 words

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