Behavioral health condition you/your team is addressing

Behavioral health condition you/your team is addressing

I. Behavioral health condition you/your team is addressing

II. Design Thinking Process Steps Completed/or in process

a. Empathetic approach

b. Define the problem you are addressing

c. Ideate/brainstorm approaches

d. Develop a prototype

e. Pilot test or steps toward implementation

III. Validation of Innovation

a. Description of the innovative approach of your project

b. Description of steps you will take or have already taken to validate your project as innovative

c. Listing and brief description of similar projects along with citation for source

IV. Description of final project

V. Personal reaction to the project

At this stage of the assignment, you will develop your outline (5 pieces as outlined above) into a 5 – 7-page paper, double spaced using 12-point font. Although this is only a first draft, it is expected that the paper will address all of the components required (5 pieces as outlined in the abstract) and will reflect the standards for college level writing. The draft will be graded using the rubric provided in class and feedback will be provided to help you in improving your second submission. Up to 50 points may be earned for the first draft.

Requirements: 6-7 pages

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Behavioral health condition

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