Based on the video for this week regarding apes and language, do you think any ofthe apes were really using language like humans do or not?

Based on the video for this week regarding apes and language, do you think any of the apes were really using language like humans do or not?

Based on the video for this week regarding apes and language, do you think any of
the apes were really using language like humans do or not? If you think the answer
is “sort of” that is OK, but no matter what your opinion is on this question you need to
explain your answer in detail making specific references to information included in
the video.
Please answer the question above in the form of a 1-2 page, typed, double-spaced
paper submitted on Canvas as a Word document or PDF by 6 PM on Sunday,
March 19. You should write in complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar,
and punctuation. I will be looking for evidence that you understood the assigned
reading, were able to apply information from class to the assigned reading, and used
the assigned reading to answer the question in the assignment.

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Based on the video for this week regarding apes and language, do you think any of the apes were really using language like humans do or not?’

apes were really using language

APA 562 words

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