Based on Federalist no. 6, why does Hamilton think the states will find themselves in frequent conflict with each other

Based on Federalist no. 6, why does Hamilton think the states will find themselves in frequent conflict with each other

In between 400 and 500 words answer the prompt below. Be sure to post the word count at the bottom of the post.

(a) Based on Federalist no. 6, why does Hamilton think the states will find themselves in frequent conflict with each other should they be disunited (13 separate sovereigns) or divided into 2 or 3 separate confederations?

Additional Instructions:

1. Your own post should not be one long paragraph. Break it into multiple paragraphs. Each paragraph should make one main point.

2. You must have at least 2 short, salient quotations from the assigned texts. But avoid over-quoting too. For the purposes of discussion, you answer should not be taken up by more than 20% quotation.

3. You must provide parenthetical references for every direct quotations and for any specific passages to which you refer.

4. Citations should from the text of the assigned reading. Do not cite, draw on (with or without citation), or otherwise utilize general internet sources like Wikipedia,, SparkNotes, which are not academic or scholarly sources. For Discussions, especially, stick utilizing, referencing, and citing the assigned readings.

5. Avoid opining or speculating. Stick to answering the prompt directly and answering it from the text.

6. Avoid generalizing. Avoid broad statements. Make your points as specific and as precise as possible–especially when putting a point from the text in your own words. When putting points in the text in your own words, don’t strengthen or weaken the point in the text. Don’t broaden points made in the text.

The link to Federalist no. 6 is below.

Requirements: 400-500 words   |   .doc file


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conflict with each other

APA 487 words

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