At professional conferences, blocks of time may be set aside for what are termed “poster sessions.

At professional conferences, blocks of time may be set aside for what are termed “poster sessions.

Preferred Format: APA
Number of Sources: 3
Number of Pages: 5
PowerPoint slides:
Preferred Spacing: Double spaced
Your Topic:
Assignment Details: At professional conferences, blocks of time may be set aside for what are termed “poster sessions.” A large open area will include a number of individuals who use displays such as posters or electronic presentations. These sessions provide an opportunity to share one’s research in an intimate setting, with a small group who share a similar interest gathered around.

The seminar format of this course is very similar to this academic exchange. During one 2-week session of study, you will be appointed as a Presenter. If you are one of the Presenters for this 2-week session, you will prepare an academic presentation, much like a poster session.

Your presentation should include analysis and synthesis of prior research, an evaluation of current trends in the field, and an evaluation of the foundational literature and seminal works included in the week’s resources. Your presentation will begin the interaction with your classmates.

Task —
You will prepare an academic paper of 5–7 pages in APA format, as well as a PowerPoint presentation of 7–10 slides. This analysis will be an open-ended introduction explaining how testing and measurement of information security systems has evolved.

Your goal, as the Presenter, should be to persuade your classmates that the approaches you have analyzed and synthesized are a sound means for developing more effective measurement and testing of information security systems and methods. You should acknowledge that there are other models, or means to handle such measures and tests. However, you should also strive to be as persuasive as possible that the specific concepts and operationalizations you have reviewed are exciting research avenues and that they are potentially breakthrough areas in the development of information security measurement and testing techniques.

Your paper and presentation should contain the following elements:

Incorporation and analysis of five additional resources that are 5 or less years old
Identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic
Evaluation of the main concepts, with a focus on their application to information security

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At professional conference

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